
學年 108
學期 1
發表日期 2019-10-15
作品名稱 Walking Along With God:Five Teachers' Journeys of Growing their Meek Teaching Positions
著者 Li-hua Chen
會議名稱 the International Network for School as Learning Community and EDUCA 2019 "Democratizing Schools and Classrooms from Within: Progress of School as Learning Community.”
會議地點 Bangkok , Thailand
摘要 Teachers in Taiwan have a relatively high social status, which is partly inherited from the Confucianism culture; teachers were even granted equal level with heaven-god, earth-god, emperor and ancestor in the family altar. Thus, teachers assume strong authority over the class. However, it is challenging to develop students’ autonomy of learning or to promote active learning skills for meeting the needs of Taiwan’s new basic education reform due to this strong teacher authority. The research conducted semi-structured interviews with five elementary school teachers, who have regularly participated in a professional learning community which is named “Walking Along With God”, studying on the philosophy and practice of Sato’s School as Learning Community (initial PLC-SLC). The aim of the research was to explore how the teachers transformed their mind-set and practice from the teaching position of teacher-directed to student-centered. In order to elicit teachers’ authentic response and practical wisdom, rather than bring out conceptual answers, some indirect questions were brought to ask the participants, such as: “What is a meek teaching position to you and what do you do in your classroom about it?” and “What facilitated your transformation or professional growth of it?” The five teachers shared their journeys, including encountered difficulties, inner struggling and developed strategies, while giving up their authority or adjusting themselves to develop students’ ownership of learning. Teachers had their “Big Teacher” power faded out to bring in students’ ideas and voices, slowed down, lowered criteria, enhanced flexibility and strengthen partnership with students to make space for developing students’ problem-solving skills and coping strategies, opening to diversity, and connecting with each other. In the stumbling journey of growing their own meek teaching positions, the teachers not only acquired the support from their colleagues in PLC-SLC but also their daily observations, and interactions with the students, as well as their own reflection of reflexivity. I will include examples in this presentation.
關鍵字 Teacher positioning
語言 en_US
會議性質 國際
研討會時間 20191015~20191017
通訊作者 Li-hua Chen
國別 THA

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/118547 )