
學年 108
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2019-12-31
作品名稱 學術論文作者之自我抄襲:臺灣TSSCI 期刊編輯的觀點
作品名稱(其他語言) Author self-plagiarism in academic articles: perspectives from TSSCI journal editors
著者 林雯瑤
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 圖書資訊學刊 17(2),頁35-70
摘要 Cases of academic misconduct have not only drawn significant attention in the scholarly community but also surfaced as a discussion subject for the general public in recent years. This kind of ethic issue awareness makes huge splash to a degree that never being seen before. Within these related academic ethic contentions, self-plagiarism is one of the subject that has received significant amount of concern but is still with great controversial point of view. Under the academic ethic guidelines announced by Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology, self-plagiarism and dual publication are listed out as two particular violations to emphasize their importance but with room for judgment within different academic research fields. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to explore the behavior of cognition, norm, and remedy on the self-plagiarism issue among journal editors within social science fields of Taiwan. Content analysis of notes for contributors in 105 journals, and in-depth interviews to the editors of 13 journals indexed by TSSCI were conducted to reveal how they identify and type out self-plagiarism, followed by how they regulate self-plagiarism and remedy it once related cases surfaced. This is a unique research of exploratory research on this hot issue that has not been performed in Taiwan. Data revealed by this study provide insight information to the self-plagiarism behavior and could be used to strength the current related academic ethic regulations. Keywords:Self-plagiarism; Academic Misconduct; Academic Journal; Journal Editor; TSSCI 近年來各種學術研究不端行為所引起的諸多波瀾不僅存在學術社群內,甚至在社會上引發極大爭議,在各種與學術倫理相關的討論與研究中,自我抄襲是近年受到極大關注卻仍存在諸多爭議的議題之一。我國科技部所訂定的學術倫理規範中,甚至特別將自我抄襲與一稿兩投單獨列點說明。本研究以科技部2015年收錄於TSSCI各學門的105種期刊為研究對象,以內容分析法分析期刊在徵稿須知等文件中關於學術倫理的描述,並以半結構式深度訪談13位期刊編輯,探討他們對於論文作者自我抄襲的認知、規範、補救與處置。研究結果顯示編輯對於作者自我抄襲的認知有本質上的認識與相近的基本態度,也認為對學生的研究倫理教育與期刊提供給作者的學術倫理規範均有其必要性。
關鍵字 自我抄襲;學術不端行為;學術期刊;期刊編輯;TSSCI
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1606-7509
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 林雯瑤
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/118068 )