
學年 103
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2015-06-01
作品名稱 瑞典與新加坡創新政策之比較研究:國家創新系統觀點
作品名稱(其他語言) A Comparative Study of Innovation Policy in Sweden and Singapore: National Innovation System Perspective
著者 陳意文; 王美雅
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 企業管理學報 105,頁1-29
摘要 全球競爭壓力下,各國已將「創新」從科技與產業政策配角視為各國施政主軸;而學界對創新的理解更已從崇尚科學與技術推動的第一代線性創新,演變至強調整合與連結的第五代創新系統;故創新不僅是新發明或新技術,而是研發、生產到行銷等活動與外部環境互動及回饋的結果。而勾勒創新政策亦應從單向的技術發展轉為開放創新平台,亦即透過國內各種制度與組織間交流,進而促使創新正向發展。本研究以2014年全球創新指數(Global Innovation Index,簡稱GII)的迴歸分析為基礎,採用國家創新系統觀點,以瑞典與新加坡作為分析的標竿國家。研究發現,發展「需求導向」與「區域型」計畫、設計彈性及透明的制度,並成立專責創新機構而建立回饋機制等,皆有助於建構並強化創新系統。 "Innovation" has been changed from a supporting character to a main role in technology and industry policy planning. However, the concept of innovation has evolved from the first generation, which was linear and science-oriented, to the fifth generation that emphasizing on integration and connection. Therefore, innovation is not only inventions or introducing new technologies; it should be a result of the interaction and feedback from the environment with R&D, production and marketing in firms. Thus, the planning for innovation policy should not merely focus on technology development but also emphasize on the open innovation platform, which means that innovation will be facilitated by interacting with national institutions and organizations. This study is based on the regression analysis of the Global Innovation Index, choosing Sweden and Singapore as the benchmark of innovation policy from the perspective of national innovation system. Results show that developing a demand-oriented and regional master plan, designing a flexible and transparency institutional system, establishing a dedicated agency and setting up a feedback mechanism will contribute to construct and enhance national innovation system.
關鍵字 國家創新系統;創新政策;創新活動;政策規劃;National innovation system;Innovation policy;Innovation activities;Policy-planning
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1025-9627
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 陳意文
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/103405 )
