
學年 100
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2011-08-01
作品名稱 國際背包客旅遊風險決策模式之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) The Study of an International Backpackers Travelling Risk Decision Making Analytic Model
著者 阮聘茹
單位 淡江大學國際觀光管理學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC100-2410-H032-014-MY2
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 The cultural and creative industries can be a combination of experience economy with creative economy industry and knowledge economy era, becomes major plan of national development strategies and a trend of one in the twenty-first century as the world’s, under global development, cultural creation industry has become an essential competitive advantage. By developing a travelling risk selection, this study intends to explore a decision model for international backpackers. The factors and criteria for the evaluation decision model are derived from exhaustive literature review and experts interviews. Study data will be gathered via two steps of survey. First step, will be done before the trip. By using the experts interviews, content analysis and modified Delphi method, the study aims to obtain factors and criteria for travelling risk. Sure, the study population comprised backpackers who were America, England, Japan and Australia residents, the study also use questionnaires survey, structural equation modeling constructs an assessment model based on travelling risk factors and criteria. Second step, will be during the trip, the study population comprised backpackers who were traveling to Taiwan. I will apply the fuzzy analytical network process (Fuzzy ANP) to obtain factors and criteria weights of Asian countries. Finally, a recommended solutions are presented and analyzed based on the strategic plan and can provide valuable insights for tourism administrators and academics in international tourism market. 「文化創意產業」是一個結合體驗經濟、創意經濟、美學經濟的知識經濟產業,全世界各國家發展重要計畫策略及趨勢之一,也是城市發展之重要競爭利器。行政院投入超過二千億台幣的經費來執行六大新興發展計劃,其中又以推動文化創意產業為主軸之一,未來將以「觀光」串連各個產業,藉由國際級的觀光設施與服務,讓臺灣成為無處不可觀光的旅遊勝地。本研究針對國際背包客之旅遊風險知覺因素與準則進行深入研究。經由文獻回顧與專家深度訪談結果,從國際背包客、旅遊體驗歷程和旅遊風險理論等三方面進行探討。經由文獻回顧與專家深度訪談結果,本研究計畫採用兩階段調查方式,第一階段為行前階段,使用專家深度訪談、內容分析法與修正式德菲法獲得旅遊風險知覺因素與準則,並利用問卷調查方式,調查美國、英國、日本與澳洲等四個國家之背包客,採結構方程模式分析方法(Structural equation modeling, SEM)建構旅遊目的地風險評選模式。第二階段為現地旅遊階段,採用問卷調查方式,調查前來臺灣旅遊之國際背包客,並利用模糊網路層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Network Process, Fuzzy ANP),評選各亞洲國家之旅遊風險權重。本文之研究結果可提供政府擬定觀光旅遊政策,或業者在行銷推廣時一個很重要的參考依據。
關鍵字 國際背包客; 旅遊體驗; 旅遊風險; International backpacker; trip experience; travelling risk
語言 zh_TW

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/102839 )
