
學年 94
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2006-03-01
作品名稱 2004年雅典奧運會羽球比賽紀錄分析與探討
作品名稱(其他語言) The Analysis of the Athens Olympics 2004 Badminton Results
著者 楊繼美
單位 淡江大學體育室
出版者 中華民國運動教練協會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 運動教練科學 6,頁61-69
摘要 本研究以2004年雅典奧運會羽球賽中,男女羽球單雙打前16強比賽結果的紀錄,以描述性統計的方法分析選手的基本資料,在每場/局總擊球時間、每場/局一次最長擊球時間之比較、每場/局一次最長擊球次數之比較、每場/局比賽用球數量之情況,以期能為羽球訓練提供參考的資訊。本研究的結果發現一、2004年雅典奧運會羽球賽選手基本資料分析:在年齡方面,男子選手平均26.01±3.24歲,女子選手平均24.84±2.85歲,在身高方面,男子選手平均180.23±6.46公分,女子選手平均168.18±6.49公分,在體重方面,男子選手平均74.10±7.27公斤,女子選手平均62.23±5.57公斤。二、依據每場總擊球時間統計結果顯示:男子單打55.38±17.61分,男子雙打52.00±16.01分,女子單打40.13±15.54分,女子雙打60.13±23.16分,混合雙打45.69±19.23分,五組平均50.67±7.89分。三、每場一次最長擊球時間調查中發現:男子單打34.44±6.04秒,男子雙打36.63±9.01秒,女子單打31.31±8.02秒,女子雙打58.50±20.40秒,混合雙打26.83±10.37秒,五組平均35.80±13.03秒。四、每場一次最長擊球次數調查中發現:男子單打36.00±6.19次,男子雙打27.94±10.59次,女子單打28.38±4.35次,女子雙打63.19±19.15次,混合雙打32.75±9.96次,五組平均39.39±13.70次。五、選手在使用球數的調查中得知:男子單打平均24.75顆,男子雙打平均20.69顆,女子單打平均9.31顆,女子雙打平均16.44顆,混合雙打平均13.31顆,五組平均16.90顆。 The study was to analyze the outcome of the badminton games played at the Athens Olympics 2004. The method used in this study was the descriptive statistics analysis including the ages, heights, and weights of the participants: Total duration of each set, the longest play of each set, the total number of hits for each set, and the number of shuttles used for each set. It is hoped the findings can suggest for the badminton training information in our country. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The best 16 players of the game that were: Average age of players: Men: 26.01±3.24, Women: 24.84±2.85, Average Height: Men: 180.23cm±6.46cm, Women: 168.18±6.49cm, Average weight: Men: 74.10±7.27kg, Women: 62.23±5.57kg. 2. Average Duration of Play: Men's Singles: 55.38±17.61 minutes, Men's Doubles: 52.00±16.01minutes, Women's Singles: 40.13±15.54minutes, Women's Doubles: 60.13±23.16minutes, Mixed Doubles: 45.69±19.23minutes, average duration: 50.67±7.89minutes. 3. Longest Duration of each set: Men's Singles: 34.44±6.04sec, Men's Doubles: 36.63±9.01sec, Women's Singles: 31.31±8.02sec, Women's Doubles: 58.50sec±20.40sec, Mixed doubles: 26.83±10.37, average: 35.80±13.03 sec. 4. Total Hits per play: Men's Singles: 36±6.19, Men's Doubles: 27.94±10.59, Women's Singles: 28.38±4.35, Women's Doubles: 63.19±19.15, Mixed Doubles: 32.75±9.96, average: 39.39±13.70. 5. Average Number of shuttles used: Men's Singles: 24.75, Men's Doubles: 20.69, Women's Singles: 9.31, Women's Doubles: 16.44, Mixed Doubles: 13.31, average: 16.90.
關鍵字 羽球;分析;badminton;analysis
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1818-2801
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/41892 )
