
學年 93
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2004-09-01
作品名稱 銀髮族平衡與步態檢測工具之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) The Assessment Tool of Balance and Gait for Elderly
著者 謝豐宇
單位 淡江大學體育室
出版者 新竹市 : 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 運動生理暨體能學報 1,頁 196-207
摘要 本研究主要是在探討對銀髮族平衡與步態之檢測工具於本土化後施測時,不同背景之評分者間所評出結果之差異性,並以台中市北區老年人為研究對象。共分為兩個階段。第一階段結果發現:無論在平衡部分或步態部分,3組評分者的評分均無顯著差異。第二階段發現:不同居住情形及不同目前行走狀況與檢測得分有顯著差異,即獨居老年人在步態得分優於與家人同住者、不需輔助器者在平衡與步態得分上均優於使用柺杖者。另外,與家人住且需要柺杖者且現在沒有運動者其平衡(11)、步態(11)和總分(22)得分最低。各自變項中以目前行走狀況對平衡、步態及總分得分有較大的預測力。The purpose of this study was to probe into the grading differences among graders from different backgrounds when the elderly' balance and gait assessment tool, the Tinetti Assessment Tool, is employed domestically. The elderly living in northern Tai-Chung, Taiwan were sampled as study population. This study was divided into two stages. The first stage was to show that there were no distinct differences in the grading results of balance and gait from the three groups of graders. In the second stage, obvious differences of assessment result can be detected among elders from different backgrounds. These backgrounds can be categorized into two categories: different living environments and difference in walking ability. Independent elders who were living alone scored better on the gait assessment than those who were living with their families. Elders who did not need walking assistance of any kind scored better on both balance and gait assessment than those who used cane or other assistant devices. In addition, among the tested population, those who used walking assistant devices while living with families and those who lacked exercise while being ill at the same time scored the lowest on balance (11), gait (11), and total score (22). When it came to independent testing, the current walking ability of the elders possessed higher predictability in the scores of balance, gait, and total score.
關鍵字 平衡;步態;檢測工具;Balance;Gait;Assessment tool
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1815-638x
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/41889 )
