
學年 101
學期 2
發表日期 2013-05-17
作品名稱 今生難得彌珍愛
作品名稱(其他語言) Cherishing the Precious Life
著者 陳慶煌
作品所屬單位 淡江大學中國文學學系
出版者 臺北市:中華學術院詩學研究所
會議名稱 第十三屆文學與美學國際學術研討會
會議地點 新北市, 臺灣
摘要 本論文旨在呼籲人之有今生,乃前世行善修來,極其難得,彌足珍愛。先從胡適<自殺篇>觸機,由弘一法師《護生畫集》導正,而以《佛說父母恩重難報經》之<十恩頌>入題,述說父母生我,恩深情重,身為子女者,須愛惜生命。依次舉管仲、程嬰、晏嬰、司馬遷、蔡琰、蘇軾六位典型人物為例,交代其所以不自殺之史實,並從正、反、側三方面深入探討,提供社會各界省思,庶幾不幸面臨困境之當事者,亦能知所抉擇。 This article aims to appeal to the public for the concept that a human being’s present life is indebted to the good deeds done in its last life, which is extremely difficult to come by. Therefore, this life needs to be cherished. The researcher, inspired by Hu Shih’s article, committing suicide, and Master Hung-I’s moral guidance in Paintings on Protecting Lives, embarks on the Buddha’s Sutra of Parental Love To Be Too Profound To Pay it Back in the Ten-Favor Eulogy, and accounts for the concept that parents are bound to have a great affection for their children, while children as their descendants should cherish their own lives.To illustrate the cherishing of this life, listed as typical characters that got rid of suicide are six figures: Guan Zhong, Cheng Ying, Yan Ying, Sima Qian, Cai Yan, and Su Shi. Their behaviors are sequentially probed into from positive, negative and sideways viewpoints, aiming to provide this no-suiciding concept for people from all walks of life to make a proper choice after deliberating what to do when unfortunately encountering the hardships and facing the adversity in life.
關鍵字 勸世人愛惜生命;千萬不要自殺;父母恩重難報經;十恩頌;管仲;程嬰;晏嬰;司馬遷;蔡琰;蘇軾;李叔同;豐子愷;胡適;自殺;Sutra of Parental Love To Be Too Profound To Pay it Back;the Ten-Favor Eulogy;Guan Zhong;Cheng Ying;Yan Ying;Sima Qian;Cai Yan;Su Shi;Li Shutong;Feng Zikai;Hu Shih;commit suicide
語言 zh_TW
收錄於 SCI
會議性質 國際
校內研討會地點 淡水校園
研討會時間 20130517~20130517
通訊作者 陳慶煌
國別 TWN
公開徵稿 Y
出版型式 紙本
出處 第十三屆文學與美學國際學術研討會,30頁

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