
學年 101
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2013-06-01
作品名稱 Hypoxanthine-Guanine Phosphoribosyl-Transferase Gene Mutation in Oral Cancer Patients Treated with Radiotherapy
著者 Chen, Hong-Wen; Hsu, Fei-Ting; Chang, Yue-Cune; Tu, Hsi-Feng; Fang, Chun-Kai; Kuo, Shu-Ping; Hwang, Jeng-Jong
單位 淡江大學數學學系
出版者 臺北市:臺灣調適科學會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 調適醫學=Adaptive Medicine 5(2),頁83-91
摘要 Effect of ionizing radiation on the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl-transferase (HPRT) gene in the peripheral lymphocytes of patients with oral cancer was studied. Subjects were randomly separated into five groups: A) healthy subjects without smoking and betel quid chewing habits; B) are healthy non-smokers but with betel quid chewing habit. Patients with oral cancer are all smokers and betel quid users, and are separated into three groups: pre-, during, and six months after radiotherapy (RT), respectively. The HPRT variant frequencies (Vfs) of groups A and B are (8.68 ± 2.1) × 10^(-6) and (9.48 ± 3.73) × 10^(-6), respectively. Notably, Vfs are (10.02 ± 2.68) × 10^(-6), (92.75 ± 17.48) × 10^(-6) and (61.72 ± 16.65) × 10^(-6), respectively, for groups C, D, and E. Both during- and post-RT groups demonstrate a significantly higher HPRT Vf as compared with that of pre-RT (P < 0.01). The effect of gender on HPRT Vf was also found in post-RT group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, oral cancer patients treated with RT resulted in the increase of HPRT gene mutation during and even six months post the treatment.
關鍵字 HPRT;oral cancer;radiotherapy;variant frequency
語言 en
ISSN 2076-944X
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,電子版,紙本

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