
學年 99
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2010-12-01
作品名稱 推廣教育之市場導向與組織績效關聯性研究:內部行銷與組織承諾之中介角色
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study of Continuing Education on Market Orientation and Organizational Performance: The Mediator of Internal Marketing and Organizational Commitment
著者 廖述賢; 張文榮; 胡大謙
單位 淡江大學經營決策學系
出版者 臺北市:中華民國人力資源發展學會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 人力資源管理學報=Journal of Human Resource Management 10(4),頁55-82
摘要 過去價值觀一致性的研究將焦點集中在對結果變項的影響,較少對組織中成員間價值觀一致性的影響因素作探索,以致吾人仍不清楚組織成員間價值觀一致性是如何被孕育出來。本研究以人力資源管理觀點,探索不同功能之人力資源活動型態對員工組織承諾之關係。除此之外,過去的實徵研究雖然指出價值觀一致性與組織承諾間存在顯著之關連性,但是卻忽略員工之工作價值觀與價值觀一致性間之相關,以致未進一步辨明其間之相關性是否扭取了價值觀一致性與組織承諾間之關係情形下,降低這些研究成果的說服力。本研究經由適當的統計程序澄清上述問題以驗證理論的主張是否成立。從127筆部屬與主管的成對樣本資料顯示,價值觀一致性對組織承諾有顯著的直接效果,而非得自於工作價值觀的作用。招聘方式、績效考核,以及溝通方式等三項因素與價值觀一致性有顯著關係。價值觀一致性在績效考核與組織承諾間之關係上有中介效果,而溝通方式與組織承諾間關係中則僅有部分中介效果。本文亦針對組織承諾之兩個因素留職意願與組織認同探討它們受價值觀一致性中介作用的情形,本研究發現之理論意涵探討如后。 Due to the research mostly focusing on the effects of value congruence on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance, we wander about how value congruence is cultivated in an organization. This study was to explore the relationship between human resource management practices and organizational commitment, and the role of value congruence in the relationship between HRM practices and organizational commitment. Rather than traditional approach of individual socialization, this study emphasized on the effects of the HRM practices on the value congruence. 127 subordinate-superior dyad samples were collected. The findings indicated that staffing, communication, and performance appraisal factor are significantly related to value congruence. Value congruence had the mediation effect on the relationship between performance appraisal and organizational commitment. However, Value congruence had only the partial mediation effect on the relationship between communication and organizational commitment. The theoretical implications of research results are then considered.
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1026-5309
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/64673 )
