
學年 96
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2008-06-01
作品名稱 科技、民主與公民身份:安坑灰渣掩埋場設置爭議之個案研究
作品名稱(其他語言) Technology, Democracy and Citizenship: The Case of Incinerator Ash Facility Siting in Ankeng
著者 范玫芳
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 臺北市:臺灣政治學會
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 臺灣政治學刊=Taiwan Political Science Review 12(1),頁 185-228
摘要 公民身份(citizenship)的概念在晚近的科技與環境爭論中逐漸受到重視。本文旨在介紹科技公民身份的理論並探討台北縣新店安坑一般事業廢棄物與灰渣掩埋場設置爭議個案,藉以對照呈現我國具科技爭議的環境決策運作問題。個案凸顯現有專家政治與科學理性的霸權,以及公民身份的實踐受到壓抑的問題;環境影響評估與決策過程缺乏對總污染量的全面考量以及對在地知識與經驗的肯認(recognition);地方行動者挑戰了既有權力結構與決策的正當性,並捍衛科技公民的權利與其所追求的美好生活。本文主張授能(empower)公民檢視和質疑技術官僚與專家所主導的決策過程與框架,公民在地知識和經驗受到肯認,以及利害關係人之間真實的對話機制,將有助於改善風險治理並促進公民身份的實踐。 The concept of citizenship has become an increasingly important theme in technological and environmental debates. This paper introduces the theory of technological citizenship, examines the practice of citizenship in the context of the incinerator ash facility siting controversy in Ankeng, and highlights the current problems of environmental governance. The case shows the politics of experts and hegemony of scientific rationality, and the problem of constraints on the practice of citizenship. The environmental impact assessment process and decision-making lack a consideration of the total amount of endangerment and the recognition of local, contextualized knowledge and experiences. Local activists challenge the structure of power and legitimacy of the project, and fight for the rights of technological citizenship and the good life. This paper argues for the need to empower citizens to challenge the decision-making process dominated by technocracy and experts. Recognition of citizen knowledge and experiences as well as genuine dialogue among stakeholders will improve risk governance and facilitate the practice of citizenship.
關鍵字 公民身份;公民權;公民參與;在地知識;風險治理;掩埋場設置;citizenship;citizen rights;citizen participation;local knowledge;risk governance;waste facility siting
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1027-0221
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 ,紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/65585 )
