
學年 100
學期 2
出版(發表)日期 2012-03-01
作品名稱 農技援助之外: 小中國對非洲的大想像
作品名稱(其他語言) Beyond Agricultural Assistance: Little China's Big African Illusion
著者 劉曉鵬
單位 淡江大學美洲研究所
出版者 臺北市:中央研究院台灣史研究所
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 臺灣史研究 19(1),頁141-147
摘要 本文試圖以種族的角度思考1960年代的臺非關係。筆者認為透過臺灣版的「殖民論述」,臺北將非洲國家在聯合國的政治支持予以合理化,其結構是「落後的」非洲黑人承認臺北的國際領袖地位,乃基於仰慕臺灣優越的中華文化。因此,雖然臺北在國際上逐漸難以代表中國,在非洲卻仍然能擁有當大國與正統中國的滿足感。
 This paper analyzes the relationship between Taiwan and Africa during the 1960s from a racial perspective. The author argues that through a Taiwanese version of "colonial discourse", Taipei rationalized the political support it received from Africa in the UN. In this framework, Taiwan's Chinese cultural superiority over "backward" black Africans made it only natural for Africa to recognize Taipei's leadership status in the international arena. Therefore, while Taipei's claims to Chinese legitimacy declined, in its relationship with Africa, Taipei could still have the pleasure of seeing itself as a great nation and the legitimate China. This paper analyzes the relationship between Taiwan and Africa during the 1960s from a racial perspective. The author argues that through a Taiwanese version of ”colonial discourse”, Taipei rationalized the political support it received from Africa in the UN. In this framework, Taiwan's Chinese cultural superiority over ”backward” black Africans made it only natural for Africa to recognize Taipei's leadership status in the international arena. Therefore, while Taipei's claims to Chinese legitimacy declined, in its relationship with Africa, Taipei could still have the pleasure of seeing itself as a great nation and the legitimate China.
關鍵字 非洲; 種族歧視; 黑人; 援助; 先鋒案; 楊西崑; Africa;Racism;Black People;Assistance;Vanguard Project;Hsi-kun Yang
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1024-2805
期刊性質 國內
通訊作者 hpliu@mail.tku.edu.tw
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/80015 )
