
學年 91
學期 2
專利開始日期 2003-05-27
專利結束日期 2003-05-27
作品名稱 Thermal-chemical polishing devices and method thereof
著者 趙崇禮; Chao, Choung-lii; Ma, Kung-jeng; Lin, Hung-yi
單位 淡江大學機械與機電工程學系
描述 United States Patent: 6,739,946 Application number: 10/444,979 國際分類號:B24B 49/00; B24B 49/14; B24B 37/04; B24B 049/00; B24B 051/00 專利國別:美國
摘要 A thermal-chemical polishing device and method for polishing a diamond film of a workpiece, the device includes a horizontally displaced first rotatable high rpm shaft and a vertically displaced second rotatable high rpm shaft that are perpendicular. The first shaft is made of a material from transition metals or rare-earth elements which undergo a chemical reaction with the diamond film at high temperature. The circumferential surface of the first shaft has a predefined heating region. The second shaft moves axially towards the first shaft to allow the diamond film to make contact with the heating region of the first shaft. A heating unit is provided to heat up the heating region to create a chemical reaction for thermal-chemical polishing to perform while the diamond film is in contact with the heating region. The device of the present invention increases the rate of polishing and also decreases cost.
語言 en

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/53866 )
