
學年 92
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2004-01-01
作品名稱 結構之風力載重及受風反應研究-總計畫(III)
作品名稱(其他語言) Wind Loads and Structural Responses of Buildings & Structures (III)
著者 鄭啟明; 王人牧; 陳振華; 陳若華; 吳重成
單位 淡江大學土木工程學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC93-2211-E032-021 研究期間:200408~200507 研究經費:154,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 陸基的土木建築與結構物所受的環境作用力大體上可分為地震力與風力兩大項,台灣恰 好位於強震與強風區。風災造成的經濟損失較之地震為輕,然仍是一項不可輕忽的環境 作用力。超高型結構物,如高層建築、巨型煙囪、桁架高塔等,其主要設計水平載重隨 著高度增加,逐漸由地震力轉為風力;除了大型結構物之外,許多散佈於台灣各地的中 小型工廠都採用輕鋼架結構,每逢重大風災之後,常可見到諸如部分屋頂或邊角的冷軋 鋼板掀起的風害。國內過去十餘年間結構風工程的研究發展,由於研究人力不足,研究 者基本專長各異且分散於各大專院校,始終未能聚集研究能量,就一個明確的目標進行 整合性的研究。為了能夠有效達成擬定的研究目標,本整合計畫的目標設定在建築與結 構風工程:探討高層建築、高塔、低層建築等結構物所受的風力以及其結構反應。本計 畫擬結合三所大專院校校共七位從事風工程相關研究的學者,組成跨校際之研究團隊有 效整合研究團隊,使其發揮研究能量的互補效應,期望透過本計畫,除了提昇國內結構 風工程的學術水準,建立本研究團隊未來對於風工程進行長期整合研究的基礎,並藉著 研究計畫的成果,對於現行的建築風力規範能提出實質的修訂建議。本計畫設定的總體 目標為: 1. 以風洞實驗、數值分析以及實場監測,探討結構所受之風力特性及結構反應。 2. 建立一個具有工程實務價值的高層建築風工程之專家系統。 3. 提昇本研究團隊之整體研究能力以及提昇國內結構風工程學術水準。 為達成上述之總體目標,為期三年的研究計畫子題包括了: 1. 以風洞實驗為基礎的高層建築防風設計準則 2. 高層建築之設計風載重專家系統 3. 計算風工程中空氣動力特性之研究 4. 高層建築結構受風力載重之非線性分析-時間域模式 5. 側向與扭轉互制效應下高層建築之減振控制與風洞試驗 6. 中低層建築物受風作用之特性研究 7. 煙囪受風之動力行為研究—風洞實驗與實場量測 簡言之,本計畫是系統性的探討建築與結構的風力特性。在研究層面上包括了探討結構 受風振動機制的鈍體空氣動力現象,超高結構的風力反應與減振控制,以及建築結構的 設計風壓風力。在研究的方法上則包含了風洞實驗、數值模擬、人工智慧與實場監測。 個別子計畫之間有著深淺不一的關連性,透過總計畫的協調與整合,子計畫可以提供所 專長的研究方法,研究成果以相互支援、比較、驗對。本計畫以三年為期,完成後將可 提昇國內風工程基礎研究的學術水準,並對工程實務方面的建築設計風載重提供實質的 改進建議。在本計畫內組成的研究團隊則會長期投入結構風工程的各項研究,希望在五 年後能夠成為亞太地區具有一定學術聲譽的風工程研究團隊。Wind and earthquake loads are two primary lateral loadings for land based structures and buildings; unfortunately, Taiwan locates at an area that both effects are severe. In the most cases, the impact of strong wind is relatively less dramatic than strong earthquake, and therefore, attracts less attention from both general public and engineering community. However, based on the data from insurance industry, the annual global economic loss due to wind takes up more than 50 % of the total losses caused by natural hazards. In Taiwan, almost all residential buildings are in the form of reinforced concrete, which is generally sturdy for the wind loads. However, for tall or long span structures, or the lightweight industrial buildings, wind load is an important, or even the dominant, lateral loading concern. In the past, the small community of Taiwan』s wind engineering researchers, scattering at different departments, colleges and universities, worked individually with almost no lateral communication at all. Hence, the research products were diverse and light weighted. This project intends to conduct an integrated wind engineering research work, targeted at a specific goal: Wind Loads and Structural Responses of Buildings and Structures. A research team is assembled for this common goal. The members of this research team are primarily consisted of faculties from Tamkang University. Two researchers from other college and university are invited to join based on their expertise. All members on this research team have been exposed to wind engineering research in past few years. On top of that, several members had good experience of working closely together on joint research projects. The primary goals of this proposed research project are set as follows: 1. Investigations on wind loads and structural responses via wind tunnel simulation, numerical analysis and full-scale measurement. 2. Establishment of a wind load expert system that is applicable to building design. 3. Building up the research capability of this research team and elevate the academic standard of wind engineering research in Taiwan.
關鍵字 建築;結構;風力載重;結構反應;buildings;structures;wind load;structural response

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/6807 )
