
學年 97
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 2009-01-01
作品名稱 國民教育輔導團專業人力發展系統建構實施與評鑑之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study of Construction, Implementation and Evaluation of Professional Development System for Advisory Consultation Group
著者 高熏芳; 李麗君
單位 淡江大學教育科技學系
描述 計畫編號:NSC96-2413-H032-008-MY3 研究期間:200908~201007 研究經費:473,000
委託單位 行政院國家科學委員會
摘要 國民教育輔導團在教育部課程改革中扮演促進教育政策推廣與實施的要角,是教育部、縣市教育局與學校之間的中介輔導組織,吻合「變革代理人」或「變革推動者」-「介入一個客戶組織,致力協助其從事變革或採納創新者」的角色意涵。國外教育變革推動的相關文獻顯示,除該等角色、任務須加以界定釐清外,該等教育專業人力亦須持續加以發展。唯國內相關之研究並不多見,且專業人力發展系統亦未加以研發建構,因此本研究遂以教育輔導團實踐變革代理人角色之專業人力發展為探討核心,以全國各縣市輔導團成員為對象,針對支持輔導團成員實踐角色任務之專業知能發展進行探究,目的在建構國民教育輔導團專業人力發展系統,並加以實施以評鑑其成效。 本研究計畫規劃三年時程,第一年係針對國民教育輔導員的專業發展進行需求評估;第二年則根據評估結果來設計輔導員專業人力資源發展方案,建構專業人力發展系統;第三年則為選擇人力資源發展方案進行實施並評鑑其成效。 本研究期望在教育改革迫切需要與輔導團專業化需求與日遽增的情況下,為教育行政主管機關規劃國民教育輔導團專業人力發展以及國民教育輔導團團員自我專業發展提供指引藍圖之參考。 Educational Advisory Group has been playing an important role during the process of curriculum reform in linking and facilitating the implementation and diffusion of innovation policy between The Ministry of Education/ Departments of Education and elementary / junior high schools. This kind of role closely meets the requirement of 「change agent」 or 「change facilitator」. Literatures of curriculum reform indicated that change agent or curriculum coordinator (counselor) is one of the educational professionals whose role and tasks need to be clearly identified. Moreover, their professional development system needs to be developed and implemented. The purpose of this study is to construct, implement and evaluate a professional development system for educational advisory group members. The study will last for three years. The major task for the first year is to conduct a professional development needs assessment for educational advisory group. The focus of the second year is to design and development a professional development system which will include the intervention programs and strategies. The third year will implement the designed professional development system and conduct an evaluation on effectiveness and impact of the system. It is hope that through this three-year research, a comprehensive professional development system will be suggested as the blueprint for the educational advisory group members and related administrative authorities.

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/47108 )
