
學年 85
學期 1
出版(發表)日期 1996-11-01
作品名稱 德國綠黨與環保運動支持者關係之研究
作品名稱(其他語言) A Study on the Relationship between the German Green Party and the Supporters of Environmental Movement
著者 陳恆鈞
單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
出版者 蘆洲市:空中大學公共行政學系
著錄名稱、卷期、頁數 空大行政學報 = Open public administration review 6,頁229-242
摘要 我國綠黨於去年(1995)底宣布成立,其發展狀況以及對既存的政黨體制將產生何種程度的政治影響力,有待他日做評斷。本文主旨在探討綠黨在德國發展的歷程及其如何在現有的政黨體系中發揮小黨制衡功能。運用「後物質主義」和「資源動員模式」兩大概念,本文將探討:(1)綠黨和環保運動之間的發展關係;(2)他們對生態保護、經濟發展、及政治民主的看法及所採取之策略;(3)其支持選民背景的分析;以及(4)其未來在西歐的發展空間。結論認為綠黨雖然在1990年全國大選中失利,但在德國仍有極大的發展潛力。主要理由,除了綠黨在地方與中央已有頗強的民意基礎之外,叢生的環保問題亦是原因之一。此外,由於較年輕的一代在價值體系、意識形態取向和認知動員能力上已有顯著改變,因而對傳統政黨體制將有更深遠影響。 The Green party was formally established at the ROC in the end of 1995. However, its likely future and political impacts on the established political party system would be too early to judge. In this paper, we focus on the development of the Green party in the West Europe, especially in the Germany. Applying the concepts of "postmaterialism" and "the resource mobilization ", this paper is mainly to analyze (1) the relationship between the Green parties and environmental movements; (2)their concerns about ecological protection, economic development, and grassroots democracy; (3) the backgrounds of their voting supporters; and (4) their future development in West Europe. Even though the Green party failed in the 1990 all German general election, this paper argues that the Green party still has a greater chance to development. The main reason is not only because environmental groups at local and central level achieving some success in election, but also because there is likely to be no shortage of environmental problems. Most importantly, since the value system and ideological orientation of the young cohorts have changed, it will have greater impacts on the established party system.
關鍵字 德國; 環保運動; 綠黨; 後物質主義; 資源動員模式; 價值取向; 意識型態的自我安排; 認知動員; Germany; Environmental Movement; Green Party; Postmaterialism; Resource Mobilization Model; Value Orientation; Ideological Self Placement; Cognitive Mobilization
語言 zh_TW
ISSN 1025-0670
期刊性質 國內
國別 TWN
出版型式 紙本

機構典藏連結 ( http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/20819 )
