
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
081 / 1 The Second Excited first Nonsymmetrical Modes of Transverse Vibrations of Orthotropic Circular Plates with Uniform Edge Constraints 2011-06-09
072 / 1 正交方向性圓盤它在與面垂直方向振盪的近似方法 2011-06-09
079 / 1 2.Several Free Nonsymm Moder of: Transverse Vibrations of Orthotropic Cicurlar Plater with Uniformly Edasfically Restrained Edges 2011-06-09
061 / 1 Investigation of the Lorentz transformation Properties of Thermodynemic Variablis 2011-06-09
078 / 1 On the Relativistic Statistical Distribution Functions and Density Operators 2011-06-09
071 / 1 大學物理(三)( 四) 2011-06-09
073 / 1 1.Transverse Vibrational and Static Deflectional Problems of Orthotropic Circular Plates Under Arbitrary Edge Constraints :Method of Solution 2011-06-09
073 / 1 2.Transverse Vibrational and Static Deflectional Circolar Plates with Sectionally Uniform Constraints 2011-06-09
081 / 1 The Second Excited first Nonsymmetrical Modes of Transverse Vibrations of Orthotropic Circular Plates with Uniform Edge Constraints 2011-06-09
082 / 1 The Second Excited Symm. Modes of Transverse Vibrations of Orthotropic Circular Plates with Uniform Edge Cinstraints 2011-06-09
077 / 1 On the Form of The Transvovse Deflection Fanction in The Galerkin Procodure 2011-06-09
078 / 1 The First Free Nonsymmetrical Modes of transverse vibrations of Orthotropic Circular Plates with Uniformly Elastically Restrained Edges 2011-06-09
070 / 1 量子力學導論 2011-06-09
075 / 1 1.Trans Vibrational and Static Deflectional Problems of Orthotrpic Circular Plates Clamped at the Centers and Sectionally Uniformly Restrained at the Edges 2011-06-09
080 / 1 均勻彈性約束邊界之正文異向性圓盤其模向振盪之數個非對稱模的第一個菱模 2011-06-09
074 / 1 3.Transverse Vibrational and Static Deflectional Problems of Orthotropic Annular Plates Under Sectionally Uniform Outer Edge Constraints and Variouds Inner Edge Constraints 2011-06-09
075 / 1 2.Transverse Vibrational and Static Deflectional Problems of Orhotropic Circular Plates Clamped at the Centers and Sinusoidally Restrained at the Edges 2011-06-09
074 / 1 1.Transverse Vibrational and Static Deflectional Problems of Orthotropic Circular Plate Wwith Sinusoidally Varying Edge Constraints 2011-06-09
076 / 1 2.區域性均勻邊界約束之正交易問性圓盤其橫向振盪之第一激發對稱模 2011-06-09
074 / 1 2.Transverse Vibrational and Static Deflectional Problems of Orthotropic Annular Plates Under Arbitrary Outer Edge Constraints and Various Inner Edge Constraints: Method of Solution 2011-06-09
079 / 1 1.The First Excited First Nonsymmetrical Modes of Transverse Vibrations of Orthotropic Circulau Plates with Uniform Edgn Constraints 2011-06-09
076 / 1 1.均勻邊界約束之E交異向性圓盤其橫向振盪之第一激發對稱模 2011-06-09