
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
086 / 1 Corner stress analysis of jointed concrete pavements 2011-06-09
087 / 1 Development of new stress analysis and thickness design procedures for jointed concrete pavements. 2011-06-09
088 / 1 Modified Deflection Ratio Procedures for Backcalculation of Concrete Pavements 2011-06-09
089 / 1 TKUPAV:stress analysis and thickness design program for rigid pavements 2011-06-09
096 / 1 Parameter Identification and Analysis of a Slab Track System Using 3D ABAQUS Program 2011-06-09
094 / 1 Parameter studies and verifications on three-dimensional finite element analysis of rigid pavements 2011-06-09
085 / 1 Development of performance redication models for illinois continuously reinforced concrete pavements 2011-06-09
098 / 1 Development of Fatigue Cracking Prediction Models Using Long-Term Pavement Performance Database 2011-06-09
091 / 1 混凝土鋪面角隅荷重與翹曲應力分析之新方法 2011-06-09
086 / 1 Modified portland cement association stress Analysis and thickness design prodedures. 2011-06-09
087 / 1 Modified fortland cement association stress analysis and thickness design procedures 2011-06-09
082 / 1 Simplified Pavenment Performance models 2011-06-09
083 / 1 建立鋪面預估模式之新技術 2011-06-09
090 / 1 現行機場剛性鋪面設計法之力學重新賞析 2011-06-09
084 / 1 Loading and curling stress models for concrete pavement design 2011-06-09
099 / 1 Prediction Models for Transverse Cracking of Jointed Concrete Pavements: Development with Long-Term Pavement Performance Database 2011-06-09
100 / 1 Closure to "Development of Fatigue Cracking Prediction Models Using Long-Term Pavement Performance Database" by Hsiang-Wei Ker, Ying-Haur Lee, and Pei-Hwa Wu (November 2008, Vol. 134, No. 11, pp. 477-482) 2012-10-23
101 / 1 Study of Backcalculated Pavement Layer Moduli from The LTPP Database 2013-05-15
102 / 1 剛性鋪面三維有限元素參數分析與驗證 2014-07-16
103 / 1 Development of Prediction Models for Joint Faulting Using Long-Term Pavement Performance Database 2015-03-13
104 / 1 機場剛性鋪面分類指數法之重新評估 2015-08-20
104 / 1 機場剛性鋪面分類指數法之重新評估=Reevaluation of the Pavement Classification Number Method for Rigid Airfield Pavements 2016-09-03