
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
096 / 1 English Language Institute, Sam Houston State University Professional Development Series. 2010-09-24
097 / 1 Department of Multicultural and Linguistic Studies. TamKang University Lanyang Campus Multicultural Influences on Learning: An American college course. 2010-09-24
097 / 2 Kasetsart University Process Writing: Theory, Practice and Research. 2010-09-24
097 / 2 Department of Tourism and Hospitalities Work hard, Play hard: How to make a tourism major successful college student. 2010-09-24
097 / 2 Women’s Academy at Shangdong ESOL instruction in the US. School of Foreign Languages. 2010-09-24
098 / 1 UMBC Critically analysis of “favorite” children’s picture books 2010-09-24
100 / 1 Teaching EFL writing: Strategies and Guidelines for EFL TAs 2013-03-19
100 / 2 The colorful Salad Bowl: Brief Introduction to Multiculturalism 2013-03-19
103 / 1 Who is Taiwanese? The multi-ethnic New Taiwan 2015-03-15
103 / 1 獨特多樣的沙拉盤 2015-03-15
105 / 1 多元文化角度下的教育想像 2018-04-20
105 / 2 TESOL methods and lesson planning 2018-04-20
105 / 2 Multiculturalism in Education #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2018-04-20
106 / 1 Integrating Multicultural Issues into EFL class #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2018-04-20
106 / 1 Intercultural Communication #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2018-04-20
106 / 1 Sharing ideas for CLIL/EMI practices in college #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2018-04-20
108 / 1 Invited Workshop: Literacy Activities in College EFL Classes #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2020-01-17
108 / 1 Invited Speech: The Connection of American Football and Pop Cultures #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2020-01-17
108 / 1 Invited Speaker: Go Gators: From College Football to American Cultures #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2020-01-17
108 / 1 Invited Speaker: nvited Speaker: 大學生了沒?招生專題講座 #04.優質教育 2020-01-17
108 / 1 Invited Workshop: Co-teaching: Theory and Practice 教師發展研習 #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2020-01-17
108 / 1 Invited Workshop: Co-teaching: Theory and Practice 教育部國教署108學年度引進外籍英語教師專案計畫協同英語教師研習 #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2020-01-17
107 / 1 Invited Speaker: GLAP (GLocal Action Practice Program)nvited Speaker: GLAP (GLocal Action Practice Program): TamKang University Yilan Experience #04.優質教育 #10.減少不平等 #11.永續城市與社區 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 #17.夥伴關係 2020-01-17
108 / 1 Invited Speaker: GLAP (GLocal Action Practice Program) in Yilan - Interdisciplinary community-rooted curriculum for a more inclusive future. 2018 Excellent Long-Established University Consortium of Taiwan and Australia Western Sydney University: Developing Innovative Curriculum for the next Generation Students #04.優質教育 #10.減少不平等 #11.永續城市與社區 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 #17.夥伴關係 2020-01-17
108 / 2 Invited Speech: Sharing GLAP experiences #04.優質教育 #10.減少不平等 #11.永續城市與社區 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 #17.夥伴關係 2020-10-12
108 / 2 Invited Workshop: The Art of Co-Teaching #04.優質教育 #17.夥伴關係 2020-10-12
108 / 2 Invited Speech: Deeper learning for future challenges, A USR based senior project #04.優質教育 #10.減少不平等 #11.永續城市與社區 #16.和平正義與有力的制度 #17.夥伴關係 2020-10-12
109 / 1 【109年度新竹縣文化記憶庫數位典藏及加值運用推廣計畫】在地知識推廣及運用 2021-08-31
109 / 1 GLAP Innovative Teaching Ideas sharing 2021-08-31
109 / 1 以專業知能服務學習連結教學實踐研究的USR計畫 2021-08-31
109 / 1 全英語課程設計理論與實務 2021-08-31
109 / 1 「雙語教育」的想像.. 2021-08-31
109 / 1 FET workshop I: Co-Teaching and others 2021-08-31
109 / 1 全英語課程設計理論與實務 2021-08-31
109 / 1 玩玩英語作文 2021-08-31
109 / 1 搞什麼克里歐 2021-08-31
109 / 1 Picture Books... 2021-08-31
109 / 1 Integrating Picture books into 12-year Basic Education Curriculum 2021-08-31
109 / 1 The Art of Co-Teaching 2021-08-31
109 / 2 The Art of Co-Teaching 2.0: Co-Teaching Practices and Tips 2021-08-31
109 / 2 CLIL 跨領域課程設計與教學 2021-08-31
109 / 2 雙語教育的未來樣貌(?) 2021-08-31
109 / 2 Integrating Multicultural Issues into Practices 2021-08-31
109 / 2 Teach for Tomorrow: Vision for Bilingual Education in Taiwan 2021-08-31
109 / 2 Local Practices with Global Experiences 2021-08-31
109 / 2 雙語教育的理論與實施 2021-08-31
109 / 2 全英語課程設計理論與實務 III 2021-08-31
110 / 1 English Listening & Speaking Teaching Strategies for Elementary School: Some Related Methods 2021-08-31
110 / 1 雙語教育的趨勢與實施 I 2021-11-10
110 / 1 教室外的學習 2021-11-10
110 / 1 Respond Aesthetically to Picture Books 2021-11-10
110 / 1 雙語教育的趨勢與實施 II 2021-11-10
110 / 1 Seeing Diversity in Taiwan 2021-11-10
110 / 1 素養導向的繪本閱讀工作坊 2022-02-22