
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
095 / 2 真理大學統計與精算學系 Shape Restricted Regression with Random Bernstein Polynomials 2007-10-05
098 / 2 交通大學統計學研究所 Analysis of current status data with missing covariates 2010-10-08
099 / 1 中原大學應用數學系 Cox regression for interval-censored data with missing covariates 2010-10-08
103 / 1 中原大學應數系 Analysis of mixed case interval-censored data with mismeasured covariate 2015-05-06
103 / 1 東海大學統計系 Functional inference for mixed case interval-censored data with covariate measurement error 2015-05-06
102 / 2 中興大學統計所 Analysis of incomplete current status outcome data under transformation models. 2015-05-06
102 / 2 中正大學統計科學碩士班Analysis of incomplete current status outcome data. 2015-05-06
102 / 1 高雄大學統計研究所 Semiparametric analysis of incomplete current status outcome data. 2015-05-06
102 / 1 中原大學應用數學系 Cox regression for incomplete current status outcome data. 2015-05-06
100 / 1 台北市立教育大學 數學資訊教育學系 Cox proportional hazards regression with incomplete demographic data 2015-05-06
099 / 2 中研院調查研究專題中心 Cox regression for current status data with missing covariates 2015-05-06
103 / 2 [中央大學統研所] Functional inference for interval-censored data with covariate measurement error 2015-05-06
104 / 1 [台北市立陽明高中] 淺談統計-抽樣方法 2016-02-25
104 / 2 中原大學應數系Analysis of multivariate current status data with covariate errors 2016-08-02
105 / 1 中原大學應數系 Regression for errors-in-variable interval-censored survival data 2019-02-26