
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
097 / 1 玉山國家公園VERP教育訓練評估 2011-10-20
098 / 2 行動地理資訊系統於旅遊之應用-以宜蘭為例 2011-10-20
098 / 1 無尾港生態社區導覽解說方案之評估計畫 2011-10-20
093 / 2 Relationships between demographic variables and environmental behaviors among coral reef recreationists in Green Island, Taiwan 2011-10-20
098 / 1 School children’s recreation experience at Chouchai Wetland Park 2011-10-20
095 / 2 Connection to nature: A tool to measure children’s affective feeling toward nature 2011-10-20
096 / 2 Connection to nature: Children’s affective feeling toward nature 2011-10-20
095 / 1 Development of Children’s Connectedness to Nature Scales North America Association of Environmental Education 2011-10-20
096 / 1 Environmental education program evaluation: A case study of the Lagoon Quest Program 2011-10-20
096 / 2 Environmental education program evaluation: A case study of the Lagoon Quest Program Poster Session 2011-10-20
098 / 1 Evaluation of an outdoor educaiton program in Wu Wei Gang 2011-10-20
099 / 1 公有公園之私營觀光產業 (原著者Raul Buckley of Griffith University, Australia) 2013-03-21
098 / 1 Evaluation of an outdoor education program in Wu wei gang. 2014-07-17
097 / 1 School children's recreation experience at Chouchai Wetland Park 2014-08-22
100 / 2 School teacher's perceptions on outdoor activities 2014-07-17
099 / 2 School teachers' perception and attitude of outdoor environmental education 2014-07-17
100 / 1 宜蘭縣國中小教師戶外教學認知研究 2013-03-21
101 / 1 遊客參與低碳旅遊之政策意涵:一個實證性初探 2014-07-21