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100 / 2 台灣製造業廠商的人才培育制度分析 2012-05-17
100 / 1 Social Capital and Gender Differences: The Return of Quality of Social Capital in China, Taiwan and USA 2012-05-17
100 / 1 Gender Differences: The Return of Quality of Social Capital among China, Taiwan and USA 2012-05-17
100 / 2 The Gender Differences: The Quality of Social Capital and Its Return among Taiwan, USA and China 2012-05-17
099 / 2 The Return of Quality of Social Capital and Job Skill: Gender Differences in Taiwan 2012-05-17
099 / 1 科系與職業選擇的性別信仰 2012-05-17
099 / 1 影響廠商採納數位化訓練的制度機制 2012-05-17
098 / 1 台灣製造業廠商的人才培訓經驗的制度機制 2012-05-17
098 / 1 教育與勞力市場連結的性別化建構與女性優勢的可能 2012-05-17
098 / 1 影響台灣廠商重視教育訓練制度的機制:以竹科、加工區廠商為例 2012-05-17
097 / 1 高等教育擴張對於勞力市場職業成就的影響:世代、性別、性別化科系與初職社經地位之間的連結 2012-05-17
096 / 1 誰比較有機會接受教育訓練?性別、教育程度、世代與省籍之分析 2012-05-17
095 / 1 Employers’ Management in Foreign Workers and Evaluation of Foreign Worker Policy 2012-05-17
094 / 1 台灣外勞政策的分析與民眾對外勞政策的意見調查─以板橋為例 2012-05-17
093 / 2 Stigma and the Implications of Female Marital Affairs in Taiwan 2012-05-17
092 / 1 性工作與性消費的「性別」意涵:質性訪談民眾對“牛郎/小姐”vs.“男客/女客”的態度分析 2012-05-17
092 / 1 「培力」?「賠力」?女性婚外情慾的歷程與意義 2012-05-17
090 / 2 女性情慾在現代社會的反思 2012-05-17
090 / 1 生命的真實與無奈:全球化與台灣的跨國買春、賣春現象,1960-2000 2012-05-17
089 / 1 從生育作為一個母職的實踐來探討女性的生育自主權 2012-05-17
101 / 1 Assignment of Project Members Considering Capability and Personality Balance 2015-03-12
102 / 1 塑造未來的主要趨勢—兼論台灣大未來 2015-03-12
103 / 1 Educational Programs of Higher Education and Inequality of Social Capital in Taiwan, present at the “ 2015 Workshop on Social Networks, Stratification, Religion and Ethnicity” 2015-03-12
103 / 1 兩岸男女大不同?現代大學生的性別信仰之研究,兩岸大學生年輕世代未來意象之比較研究,主辦單位:大陸大連理工大學 2015-03-12
103 / 1 两岸男女大学生婚姻与爱情的调查比较,两岸学者小型学术研讨会:“90 后”年轻大学生未来意向的比较研究 2015-03-12
103 / 1 兩岸男女大不同?年輕世代的性別信仰之研究,兩岸青年世代的未來意象學術研討會 2015-03-12
102 / 1 大學生婚姻家庭愛情的性別信仰之研究 2015-03-12
102 / 1 Who Are Less Competitive? The Attainment of Social Capital and Wage, present at the “Workshop for the Comparative Study of Transition to Adulthood among Japanese and Taiwan Youths” 2015-03-12
102 / 1 How Gender Beliefs Affect Young Generation’s Futures: An Empirical Study in Taiwan, present at the “World Future Society Conference.” 2015-03-12
102 / 1 How Parents’ Gender Beliefs Affect Their Children's Educational and Occupational Choices. The Well-being of Family: Interdisciplinary Dialogue and Integration 2015-03-12