
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
101 / 2 Swinging between American and Chinese Hegemony: Great Power-led International Economic Order and Taiwan's Press Freedom 2017-12-05
102 / 1 中國崛起與東亞國家的區域經濟整合策略:南韓與台灣之比較 2017-12-05
102 / 2 Elites Politics or Mass Politics? The Role of Environmental Ideologies in Shaping Taiwan's Petrochemical Plant Construction Policies 2017-12-05
102 / 2 How do People Understand the Responsibility of Foreign Government for State Violence in Historical Memory? A Comparison between South Korea and Taiwan 2017-12-05
103 / 2 Swinging between American and Chinese Hegemony: Economic Dependence, Norm Diffusion, and Taiwan's Press Freedom 2017-12-05
104 / 1 The State's Economic Role, the Media's Self-censorship, and the Development of Taiwan's Press Freedom: A Historical Institutional Analysis (1949-2014) 2017-12-05
105 / 1 從「美國因素」到「中國因素」:政商菁英在台灣新聞自由發展中的角色變遷,1949-2015 2017-12-05
105 / 2 Between State and Market: Institutional Origins of Media Self-censorship in Taiwan (1949-2016) 2017-12-05
105 / 2 中國因素在台灣傳媒 2017-12-05
106 / 2 China's Influence in Taiwan's Media: Impact and Response 2018-10-04
107 / 1 中共對台分化策略對台灣民意的影響:一個「銳實力」的觀點 2019-04-19
107 / 1 中國「銳實力」對台灣民眾政經認知的影響 2019-04-19
107 / 2 How does China's Sharp Power Influence Taiwan's Media? From Financial Co-optation to Disinformation Operations 2019-05-03