
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
094 / 1 Using simulations to develop CONWIP/EPQ systems for a production with limited storage space 2010-06-16
096 / 1 會計準則強化與人力成本資本化對企業價值之影響 2010-06-16
095 / 2 會計準則強化對企業價值之影響:以34號公報實證 2010-06-16
092 / 1 The deferred tax allowance account and earnings management 2010-06-16
093 / 2 人力資本投資與企業價值關聯性之研究 2010-06-16
091 / 2 Accounting choice determinants of deferred tax asset valuation allowances 2011-10-20
096 / 1 An examination of SFAS No. 144: The likelihood of asset impairment recognition, write-off characteristics, and market reaction 2011-10-20
089 / 1 Development and cost-effective applications of expert systems for improving the productivity of organizations 2011-10-20
096 / 2 The likelihood of asset impairment recognition, write-off characteristics, and market reaction to write-off announcements: Evidence from the U.S. 2011-10-20
095 / 1 The timing and magnitude of asset write-offs and market reaction 2011-10-20
095 / 2 商譽減損及盈餘管理關聯性之研究-以美國財務會計準則142號公報為例 2011-10-20
095 / 1 探討採用財務會計準則第三十五號公報後之長期資產價值攸關性 2011-10-20
095 / 2 資產減損與盈餘管理之關聯性:併論投資人精明程度對股價之影響 2011-10-20
095 / 2 資產減損與盈餘管理之關聯性:併論投資人精明程度對股價之影響. 2011-10-20
096 / 1 資產減損與裁決性應計項目之關係及其市場反應 2011-10-20
094 / 2 公司治理強度與盈餘管理及企業績效之關連性 2014-10-23
094 / 1 我國傳統產業與資訊電子業企業績效之決定因素 2014-07-31
094 / 1 淨退休金成本與盈餘管理關聯性之研究 2014-07-31
094 / 1 品質成本之衡量及其影響因素之研究-以汽車零組件製造廠為例 2014-07-31
096 / 1 An Examination of SFAS No.144:The Likelihood of Asset Impairment Recognition, Write-off Characteristics, and Market Reaction 2014-05-26