
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
092 / 1 一個植基於網路的國軍內部審核系統 2015-11-23
092 / 2 零售業運用資料採礦於交叉銷售之研究 2015-11-23
092 / 1 Employee relationship and knowledge sharing : A pilot study on a Taiwanese finance and securities firm 2015-11-26
092 / 1 The study of implementing executive information systems on military internal auditing decision making 2015-11-26
092 / 1 Business contract support systems for Taiwanese businessmen in Mainland China 2015-11-26
092 / 1 知識慣性、組織學習、組織創新之關聯性研究 2015-11-26
092 / 1 組織成員正義知覺、組織承諾與知識分享之關係性研究 2015-11-26
094 / 2 運用資料探勘技術協助物流管理之研究 2010-06-16
095 / 2 運用資料探勘技術於人壽保險業顧客關係管理之研究 2011-10-22
091 / 2 零售業電子型錄行銷之研究 2011-10-22
093 / 2 網路化關係管理解決方案之研究—台灣中小型電子業為例 2011-10-22
090 / 2 網路協同問題解決教學法應用在軍事想定教學之研究 2011-10-22
095 / 1 網路書店的行銷策略品質 2014-05-21
093 / 2 資料探勘技術於化妝品新產品開發與直接銷售之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 2 資料探勘運用於軍事訓練成效評估之研究 2011-10-22
095 / 2 資料探勘與保險業市場之研究 2011-10-22
093 / 2 資料探勘應用於中小企業新產品開發之研究—以自行車為例 2011-10-22
094 / 2 資料探勘應用於旅行業新產品開發之研究 2011-10-22
093 / 2 資料探勘應用於新產品開發之研究 2011-10-22
093 / 2 資料探勘應用於需求鏈行銷之研究 2014-05-21
095 / 1 資料採礦於消費者涉入程度、消費行為、產品與廣告代言人選擇關連性探勘之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 2 資料採礦應用於零售業品牌延伸與產品線延伸之探勘─以家樂福為研究對象 2011-10-22
095 / 2 國際觀光旅館主管與部屬關係、工作滿足與組織承諾關連性之研究 2011-10-22
093 / 2 個案庫決策支援系統應用於國軍文官知識管理之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 2 消費者涉入程度、消費行為、產品與廣告代言人關聯性探勘之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 2 消費者廣告訊息來源、廣告效果、媒體區隔與媒體行銷組合關聯性探勘之研究 2011-10-22
095 / 2 行動電話產品、消費者行為、行銷通路與電信行動業者關聯性探勘之研究 2014-03-17
091 / 2 貝氏模糊積分法應用於住院醫師績效評估之研究 2011-10-22
095 / 1 市場導向、組織學習與創新:台灣推廣教育機構之整合模型 2011-10-22
091 / 2 先進規劃與排程系統中最佳化需求滿足模式之研究 2011-10-22
093 / 2 知識與創新能力—以台灣知識密集型產業為例 2011-10-22
095 / 2 知識獲取、吸收能力與創新能力關聯性之研究 2011-10-22
093 / 2 信任關係、工作滿足與知識分享關聯性之研究 —以金融業為樣本 2011-10-22
091 / 2 相對測度模糊數排序法評選自走砲武器系統 2011-10-22
095 / 1 企業電子商務之經營績效研究 2011-10-22
090 / 2 地理資訊系統應用於軍事網路教學之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 2 台灣股票市場與國際股價指數關聯性探勘之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 2 台灣半導體產業在不確定環境下組織知識移轉與競爭優勢關聯性之研究 2011-10-22
091 / 2 以網路為基礎的主管資訊系統運用於國軍內部審核之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 1 大學生涉入行為於行動商務行銷之研究-以資料採礦為方法 2011-10-22
095 / 2 The research of data mining techniques to one-to-one marketing of information appliance 2011-10-22
093 / 2 不確定環境下台灣半導體產業知識移轉與競爭優勢關聯性之研究 2014-03-17
093 / 2 不確定環境下台灣資訊電子產業知識移轉與創新能力關聯性之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 2 不確定環境下知識移轉與創新能力之研究—以台灣資訊電子產業為例 2011-10-22
091 / 2 主管財務決策支援系統建構之研究—以關聯性資料庫為架構 2011-10-22
091 / 2 主管財務決策支援系統運用於國軍內部審核決策之研究—以策略管理為觀點 2011-10-22
093 / 2 The Challenges and Solutions of Implementing E-Business for Small and Medium Enterprises from Relational Database Approach 2011-10-22
092 / 2 The Development of On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP): Case Study on a Taiwanese IC Design Firm 1.       Problem Solving and Knowledge Inertia – A Pilot Study on Taiwanese Military Training Institute 2011-10-22
090 / 2 Relationship management in support of electronic business in small manufacturing firm 2011-10-22
090 / 2 A knowledge-based architecture for implementing geographical information systems in military intelligence planning 2011-10-22
095 / 1 BPR,TQM 與組織創新-以中國文化大學推廣教育部為例 2011-10-22
095 / 2 Comparative Study of Direct Selling Systems in Taiwan and Indonesia 2011-10-22
095 / 2 應用資料探勘於人身保險新商品開發之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 2 應用資料探勘於行動電話服務市場區隔與新產品開發之研究 2011-10-22
093 / 2 關聯性法則應用於品牌聯盟與異業結盟之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 2 顧客知識管理運用於服務業新產品發展之研究 2011-10-22
094 / 2 顧客關係應用於服務業管理之研究 2014-05-21
092 / 2 The Implementation of Executive Information Systems for Retail Mall Sales Management in Taiwan 2014-07-31
096 / 2 TQM and Organizational Innovation on Continuing Education with Strategic Management Viewpoint: Concept、Model and Propositions 2014-09-09
093 / 2 資料探勘應用於中小企業新產品發展之研究---以自行車產業為例 2013-06-27
097 / 2 An Integrated Inventory Control and Facility Location System with Capacity Constraints: A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach 2013-08-13
097 / 2 台灣股票型基金市場連動性探勘之研究 2013-08-13
097 / 2 The relationships between brand awareness, brand association, perceive quality, and brand loyalty - A case study of Indonesian consumers 2014-08-11
097 / 2 知識價值鏈模型導入組織專案管理之應用 2013-08-13
097 / 2 The Exploration Of Multidimensional Market Turbulence Scale in Taiwan Financial Industries", Strategy Session, BAI2009 Proceedings 2013-08-13
097 / 2 A capacitated inventory-location model: formulation, solution approach and preliminary computational results 2013-08-13
098 / 1 Knowledge Management and Innovation: The mediating effects of organizational learning 2014-08-21
098 / 1 Developing a Scale Measurement of Market Uncertainty: A Cluster Analysis on Taiwan’s Financial Services 2014-08-21
098 / 1 Imbalance between market orientation and innovation capability: An Empirical Study on Taiwan’s Continuing Education 2014-08-21
098 / 1 The Relationships among Brand Image, Brand Trust, and Online Word-of-Mouth: an Example of Online Gaming 2014-08-21
098 / 1 市場不確定性因素之探勘研究—以臺灣金融服務業為例 2013-08-13
098 / 1 顧客價值、顧客滿意度、口碑與再購意願之關聯性研究 2013-08-13
098 / 1 A rough association rule is applicable for knowledge 2014-10-15
098 / 1 Using rough set association rule for the consumers shopping behavior 2014-09-23
099 / 1 Missing Link between Knowledge Management and Organizational Performance--Empirical Evidence in Taiwan 2014-08-21
098 / 1 Knowledge Management and Learning Organization :Linking Knowledge-based System to Service Delivery Processes 2014-09-23
098 / 2 臺灣產學合作知識管理系統規劃之研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 主管資訊系統建構之研究-以台灣鋼管製造廠為例 2013-08-14
098 / 2 以本體論為基礎的中小企業高階主管資訊系統建構之研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 資料探勘技術應用於量販店的網路購物與宅配 2013-08-14
098 / 2 以資料探勘技術分析光學模具產業中關鍵績效指標發展之研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 價值觀如何影響品牌形象與購買意願:以世代為調節變數 2013-08-14
098 / 2 品牌信任如何影響顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度與口碑 2013-08-14
098 / 2 資料採礦應用於通路區隔與產品區隔之研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 不確定環境量表之探索性研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 外部行銷或內部行銷:誰是大學推廣教育的績效推手? 2013-08-14
098 / 2 以台灣TFT LCD產業為例,供應鏈協同、供應鏈能力、與企業績效關聯性之研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 台灣汽車產業於組織文化、知識分享與創新能力之關聯性研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 台灣半導體產業於組織承諾、知識分享與組織公民行為關聯性之研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 台灣半導體產業於組織文化、知識移轉與創新能力關聯性之研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 資料探勘應用於台灣外匯市場避險與套利之研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 資料探勘應用於光學模具產業關鍵績效指標發展之研究 2013-08-14
098 / 2 資料採礦應用於消費者網路團購因素探勘之研究 2013-08-14
099 / 1 台灣服務業競爭力指標之建構:市場導向、行銷能力與創新能力 2013-08-14
099 / 1 A Study of Comparison between Taiwanese and Indonesian teenage consumers on customer-based brand equity toward a global brand 2013-08-14
099 / 1 服務業競爭力指標之探戡 2013-08-14
099 / 1 不確定環境之探勘研究 2013-08-14
099 / 1 A comparison of customer-based brand equity between Taiwanese and Indonesian teenage consumers 2013-08-14
098 / 2 A Fuzzy Binomial Approach for Investment Project Valuation 2013-08-14
099 / 1 Application Rough Sets Theory and Association Rules for a Knowledge-Based Preliminary Design System 2013-08-14
099 / 1 A Semantic Web Approach to Heterogeneous Metadata Integration 2013-08-14
099 / 1 Rough Set-Based Association Rules Applied on Brand Trust Evaluation Model 2013-08-14
099 / 1 Application Rough Sets Theory to Ordinal Scale Data for Discovering Knowledge 2013-08-14
099 / 1 Investment Appraisal under Uncertainty-A Fuzzy Real Options Approach 2013-08-14
099 / 1 Investment project valuation based on the fuzzy real options approach 2013-08-14
099 / 1 Missing Link between Knowledge Management and Organizational Performance---Empirical Evidence in Taiwan 2014-08-21
099 / 1 The impacts of brand trust, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty on word-of-mouth 2014-10-15
099 / 1 How Psychological Factors Influence Online Consumer Behavior 2013-08-15
099 / 1 Does Innovation matter? The Effect of Knowledge Management---A Comparison study of Taiwan's Two Industries 2013-08-19
099 / 1 Integrated Location-Inventory Retail Supply Chain Design: A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach 2013-08-19
099 / 1 Empirical to improve organizational performance - organizational learning perspective 2013-08-19
099 / 2 資料探勘應用於 ECFA 對兩岸股票市場指數連動性之研究 2013-08-19
099 / 2 消費者個性對顧客滿意度與再購意願之影響–以世代為調節變項 2013-08-19
099 / 2 以本體為基礎的團隊醫療決策支援系統之研究 — 以乳癌為例 2013-08-19
099 / 2 個性不合?消費者個性對品牌個性與口碑之影響–世代的調節角色 2013-08-19
099 / 2 個性的驅力?消費者個性對顧客滿意度與網路口碑之影響–以手機功能為調節變項 2013-08-19
099 / 2 Empirical study on the relationships between knowledge management, and organizational performance - the mediators of organizational learning and organizational innovation 2013-11-09
099 / 2 Investment under uncertainty - A case study of cosmetic firms 2013-11-09
099 / 2 Market uncertainty - measurement and an assessment of reliability and validity 2013-11-09
099 / 2 Application of TOPIS in Taiwan tourism market performance of listed tourist hotels 2013-11-09
099 / 2 TOPSIS method approach on the optical industry for key performance index developmenet 2013-11-09
099 / 2 An Empirical study on the relationships among organizational capabilities, market orientation, and organizational performance 2013-11-09
099 / 2 Data mining application for cross-selling in the retailing 2013-08-19
099 / 2 New Method for Mining 2013-08-19
100 / 1 Service Quality, Brand Image and Price Fairness Impact on the Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty 2014-08-21
100 / 1 The Effects of Psychological Factors on Online Consumer Behavior 2014-08-21
100 / 1 The rough set-based algorithm for two-step computation 2013-09-03
100 / 1 A relative association rules based on rough set theory 2024-03-21
100 / 1 An intelligent database system implemented for E-government 2013-08-20
100 / 2 醫學美容中心服務品質對消費者體驗價值及再購意願的影響:以不同世代為調節效果 2013-08-20
100 / 2 A Study of the Relationship among Paternalistic Leadership, Psychological Contract, and Turnover Intention on Indonesian Workers in Taiwan 2013-08-20
100 / 2 資料採礦應用於精品業需求鏈推薦機制之研究 2013-08-20
100 / 2 領導型態、組織學習、與組織創新關聯性之研究 2013-08-20
101 / 1 應用資料探勘技術導入光學產業 2013-08-20
101 / 1 資料採礦應用於Facebook商業模式探勘之研究 2013-08-20
101 / 1 主管與部屬交換關係、工作滿意與生活滿意關聯性之研究-探討心理資本之中介效果 2013-08-20
101 / 1 資料探勘應用於天然資源類型基金連動性之研究 2013-08-20
101 / 1 以資料採礦方法應用於台灣便利商店推薦機制之研究 2013-08-20
100 / 2 A Clash of Personality? The Impact of Consumer Personality on Brand Personality and Word-of-Mouth: Generation as the Moderator 2013-08-20
101 / 1 A study of the relationships among paternalostic leadership psychological contract, and turnover intention on Indonesian workers in Taiwan 2013-08-20
101 / 1 Incorporating Location, Routing and Inventory Decisions in Dual Sales Channel : A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Approach 2014-07-02
101 / 2 Incorporating Location, Routing and Inventory Decisions in Dual Sales Channel: A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Approach 2014-07-02
101 / 2 The Effects of values on brand image and purchase intentions: generation as the moderator", The 2013 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2013) 2014-07-02
101 / 2 Are Satisfied Employee Will Really Share Knowledge to Coworkers? 2014-07-02
102 / 1 Incorporating Location, Routing and Inventory Decisions in Dual Sales Channel - A Hybrid Genetic Approach 2013-08-20
092 / 2 企業招募顧客關係管理之研究 Customer Relationship Management of the Corporation Recruiting 2014-05-22
095 / 2 The Research of Data Mining Techniques Applied To One-To-One Marketing of Information Appliances 2014-02-12
093 / 2 The Implementation of e-Business for Small and Medium Enterprises System Integration 2014-05-22
093 / 2 台灣中小型電子業關係管理系統需求調查之研究 2014-02-12
096 / 2 品牌形象、品牌信任與網路口碑之關聯性研究:以線上遊戲「魔獸世界」為例 2014-05-22
096 / 2 以本體論為基礎的資料採礦方法應用於台灣飲料商品產品光譜之研究 2014-05-22
094 / 2 應用資料探勘於行動電話服務市場區隔與新產品發展之研究 2014-05-22
096 / 2 品牌知名度、顧客價值、再購意願與網路口碑關聯性之研究:以「魔獸世界」為例 2014-05-22
092 / 2 知識慣性、組織學習、組織創新之關聯性研究 2014-05-22
096 / 2 以本體論為基礎的資料採礦方法於運動行銷之研究:以ADIDAS公司為研究對象 2014-05-22
092 / 2 正義知覺、組織承諾與知識分享的關係性研究 2014-05-22
092 / 2 數位媒體運用於網路招募之研究:以大學儲備軍官訓練團為例 2014-05-22
094 / 2 資料探勘應用於旅行業新產品開發之研究 2014-05-22
093 / 2 資料探勘應用於中小企業新產品發展之研究:以自行車產業為例 2014-02-12
092 / 2 人才招募於網路行銷之運用 2014-05-22
092 / 2 企業實施人才招募行銷方式之研究 2014-05-22
092 / 2 數位媒體應用於人才招募之研究 2014-05-22
094 / 1 個案庫決策支援系統應用於國軍文官知識管理之研究 2014-05-22
092 / 2 數位時代人才招募策略之研究 2014-05-22
093 / 2 資料探勘應用於新產品開發之研究 2014-05-22
093 / 2 台灣中小型電子業客戶關係管理系統導入之研究:以個案公司為例 2014-05-22
096 / 2 TQM 與創新關聯之探究:文獻回顧與系統架構 2014-05-22
095 / 1 BPR,TQM與組織創新:以中國文化大學推廣教育部為例 2014-05-22
094 / 2 資料探勘技術於電子產業供應鏈物流管理之研究 2014-05-26
094 / 2 資料探勘運用於國防預算管理之研究 2014-05-21
094 / 2 資料探勘運用於空軍軍官訓練成效評估之研究 2014-05-21
099 / 1 應用資料探勘於人身保險商品開發之探討 2014-07-14
095 / 2 The research of data mining techniques to one-to-one marketing of information appliance 2014-07-14
096 / 2 A study of customer based brand equity: a comparison between Taiwan and indonesia's consumers 2014-08-12
102 / 1 The Implementing of an Ontology-based Medical Decision Support System on Breast Cancer 2015-01-19
102 / 2 Multi‐Objective Dual‐Sale Channel Supply Chain Network Design Based on NSGA‐II 2015-01-19
102 / 2 The Study of Snack Purchasing Behavior and Foreign Tourists’ Eating Habits at Taiwanese Night Markets 2015-01-19
102 / 2 資料採礦於臉書推薦機制之研究 2015-01-19
102 / 2 資料探勘應用於戶外用品虛實通路推薦機制之研究 2015-01-19
103 / 1 A survey of brand personality research (1984-2013) 2015-01-19
103 / 2 Mining inline users' knowledge to explore social network sites purchase behaviors 2015-02-07
103 / 2 Data mining for store design 2015-08-19
104 / 1 Data Mining for Exploring Channel and Product Segmentation 2016-02-22
104 / 2 Management sciences and community development 2016-04-14
105 / 2 Data mining for product line and brand extension 2017-02-21
102 / 1 Incorporating Location, Routing and Inventory Decisions in Dual Sales Channel - A Hybrid Genetic Approach 2017-03-14
102 / 2 Multi‐Objective Dual‐Sale Channel Supply Chain Network Design Based on NSGA‐II 2024-01-29
103 / 1 An efficient genetic algorithm approach to a maritime inventory routing problem 2017-03-14
105 / 1 以效率基因演算法求解橫向轉運之存貨路徑問題 2017-03-14
105 / 2 Keynote speech with the topic of Green Management 2017-11-02
102 / 2 Exploring the Relationship among Proactive Personality, Competency-Based Pay, Creative Process and Employee Creativity 2017-05-08
101 / 1 A Clash of Personality? The Impact of Consumer Personality on Brand Personality and Word-of-Mouth: Generation as the Moderator 2017-05-08
101 / 1 A study of the relationships among paternalistic leadership psychological contract, and turnover intention on Indonesian workers in Taiwan 2017-05-08
106 / 1 A rough set approach for a brand evaluation model 2017-07-17
104 / 1 Is team knowledge sharing really a matter on employee creativity performance? A contextual model perspective. 2017-12-11
106 / 2 Disruptive innovation in a modern business era – Academic and Practice Development 2018-06-06
106 / 2 Digital Economy – Trend and Development 2018-06-07
107 / 1 A Cloud Computing Approach Implements on the Mobile Health Care and Management 2019-02-26
107 / 2 Strengthening Competitiveness to cope with industrial revolution 4.0 – Operation Management Development 2019-05-13
107 / 2 The Existence of Human Resources in Industry 4.0 – Trend and Development 2019-05-17
107 / 2 The Relationships between the Supply Chain Integration and Performance 2019-10-15
108 / 1 Business intelligence/analytics – Present and future Development 2019-10-15
108 / 2 The relationships between the supply chain collaboration and innovation 2020-03-13
111 / 1 Repurchase Intention in Physical Stores: A Moderated Mediating Role of Electronic Word-of-Mouth 2023-02-09