
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
080 / 1 The fourth enlargement of the European community, Europe beyond 1992 : conference papers 2010-06-16
091 / 1 廿一世紀歐洲統合新情勢 2010-06-16
094 / 2 Current Critical Issues of European Integration 2010-06-16
084 / 1 Die neue roller der neutraled-osterreichs beitritt zur EU und die europaische integration 2010-06-16
091 / 2 The relationship between EU & ASEAN : The model of area interaction between developed countries & developing countries 2010-06-16
086 / 1 Chancen und grenzen der EU gemeinsamen aussenpolitik 2010-06-16
088 / 1 Der kosovokomflikt 2010-06-16
087 / 1 Zukunft europaescher sicherheit und transaltlantische beziehungen 2010-06-16
086 / 1 European Integration 2010-06-16
096 / 2 從安全戰略觀點評析科索沃獨立問題 2010-06-16
082 / 1 The review & the future Prospects of the relation between Taiwan & Spain 2010-06-16
083 / 1 奧地利加入歐盟 : 中立與歐盟共同外交與安全爭論研究 2010-06-16
077 / 2 歐洲共同體一九九二與台灣之經貿關係 2010-06-16
082 / 1 The relationship between Taiwan & EC in 1990s 2010-06-16
092 / 1 Challenge of the EU’s Fifth Enlargement 2011-10-22
095 / 1 The EU-Taiwan Relations 2011-10-22
099 / 1 Tamkang University: pioneering EU Studies in Taiwan 2014-07-21
099 / 1 EU Strategy and Policy on Bioenergy 2014-07-21
098 / 2 21世紀歐盟高等教育政策 :對台灣之啟示與機會 2014-07-17
100 / 2 The EU-Taiwan Relations: Political and Economical Analysis 2014-07-17
098 / 2 21世紀歐盟高等教育政策:對台灣之啟示與機會 2014-09-27
099 / 2 Europe strategy 2020 2013-06-27
099 / 2 歐盟擬對中國解除武器禁運對台海安全之影響 2013-06-27
096 / 2 科索沃(Kosovo)獨立與國際戢略安全 2013-06-27
101 / 1 歐債危機與歐洲統合 2013-06-27
091 / 1 二十一世紀歐洲統合新情勢 2013-12-23
101 / 1 The Lifting of the EU Arms Embargo against China: Its Potential Impact on East Asian & Asian Security 2014-04-11
102 / 1 歐盟政府採購法新治理規則之研究 2014-04-15
094 / 2 台灣對歐盟科技外交初探 2014-08-07
101 / 1 The Lifting of the EU Arms Embargo Against China 2015-05-01
100 / 2 The EU-Taiwan Relations: Political and Economical Analysis 2015-05-01
099 / 2 The EU Strategy and Policy on Bioenergy 2015-05-01
099 / 1 Tamkang University: pioneering EU studies in Taiwan 2015-05-01