
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
087 / 1 On the transfer of economic value as legacy or gift 2015-11-12
078 / 1 On filial duties : a utilitarian justification of a top Chinese virtue 2010-06-16
083 / 1 Rationality versus prudence and morality 2015-11-12
088 / 2 On societal value as a link between act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism 2015-11-12
082 / 1 On the pesudo-objectivity and statistical nature of values 2015-11-12
081 / 1 Re-interpreting socialism 2015-11-12
080 / 1 An explanation of the Ellsberg paradox 2015-11-12
081 / 2 The principle of precedence and confucian moral philosophy 2015-11-12
081 / 2 Injustice in law caused by conflict between equality and equity 2015-11-12
080 / 2 An explanation of the Allais paradox 2015-11-12
079 / 1 A proposal of 'contribution' as a pattern for distribution 2015-11-12
075 / 1 A measure of the quality of human life 2015-11-12
080 / 1 A view of a general moral system 2015-11-12
076 / 1 Comments on Rawls' difference principles as a criterion for distribution 2015-11-12
079 / 2 The value structure for a life plan 2015-11-12
088 / 1 從統合效用主義談評價之特性 2015-11-12
085 / 2 企業倫理與一般倫理 2015-11-12
086 / 1 建議一種據於人生美好事物的價值分類 2015-11-12
082 / 1 The values of a person 2015-11-12
085 / 1 從價值及效用觀談簡樸生活 2015-11-12
080 / 1 人對社會貢獻之衡量 2015-11-12
087 / 2 從統合效用主義談文化認同對兩岸統一的意義 2015-11-12
082 / 2 中國統一之終極理由 2015-11-12
082 / 2 On efficiency, historical, and moral considerations in social philosophy 2015-11-12
085 / 1 效用作為一普遍的量度 2015-11-12
083 / 1 決策中有關加權及評分的若干問題 2015-11-23
086 / 2 修正性期望效用理論中「正常操作點」與「最低生活所需值」間的關係 2015-11-23
087 / 2 中國哲學與漢學 2015-11-23
084 / 1 論現實人生計劃程度之平等 2015-11-23
087 / 1 A note on self-other symmetry 2015-11-26
087 / 1 Dr. Sun Yar-Sen's principle of lirelihood 2015-11-26
057 / 2 On finding maximum compatibles 2010-06-16
087 / 1 An interpretation of liberty in terms of value 2010-06-16
080 / 1 Randomness and distributive justice 2010-06-16
083 / 1 A utilitarian explanation of the 2010-06-16
077 / 2 On the basis of social philosophy 2010-06-16
083 / 1 A decision-theoretic approach to, and a new formulation of, utilitarianism 2010-06-16
077 / 1 Utilitarianism is not indifferent to distribution 2010-06-16
082 / 2 On the dynamic or adaptive nature of utility functions 2010-06-16
085 / 2 Utility as universal measure 2010-06-16
083 / 2 Law and morality : their main differences and degenerations 2010-06-16
075 / 2 On publicly-owned enterprisses and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's principle of the people's livelihood 2010-06-16
084 / 1 On the importance of moral value relative to nonmoral value 2010-06-16
087 / 1 On the irrelevance of an environmental condition to a moral action 2010-06-16
081 / 2 平等與公平間衝突所引起之不公平 2012-01-09
083 / 1 用決策理論建立新的效用主義 2012-01-09
082 / 1 人之價值 2012-01-09
042 / 1 The rovolving-field theory of the repulsion motor 2011-10-22
059 / 1 On identification of synchronous sequential machines 2011-10-22
055 / 1 On measure of information 2011-10-22
054 / 1 System identification by the implicit synthesis method 2011-10-22
061 / 2 A combinational network for the multi-dimensional logical walsh transform 2011-10-22
057 / 1 A method for pattern recognition 2011-10-22
055 / 2 A note on optimum coding 2011-10-22
071 / 2 A teleological view of philosophy and systems theory 2011-10-22
100 / 1 An analysis of multiprogrammed time-sharing computer system 2011-10-22
059 / 1 An approach for the decomposition of higher degree O functions by using imperfect O functions 2011-10-22
062 / 1 Fast hadamard transform using the H diagrams 2011-10-22
089 / 2 從哲學觀點論“兩稅合一" 2013-07-05
092 / 1 論現有測度分配品質的準則之不合理 2014-05-21
089 / 2 從哲學觀點論「兩稅合一」 2014-05-21
083 / 1 決策中有關加權和評分的若干問題 2014-02-12
090 / 1 論公有企業之控制 2014-05-22