
學年期 標題 Sdgs 更新時間
100 / 2 Preliminary Analysis of AASHO Road Test Rigid Pavement Data Using Linear Mixed Effects Models 2015-03-11
100 / 1 Reevaluation of Pavement Classification Number Method for Rigid Airfield Pavements 2015-03-11
099 / 1 Engineer Education and Attitudes Toward Mathematics: A Comparative Study 2015-03-11
097 / 2 A Robust Approach for the Evaluation of Airport Pavement Bearing Capacity 2015-03-11
097 / 2 Application of Statistical Principles to the Evaluation of Airport Pavement Bearing Capacity and Determination of Pavement Classification Number 2015-03-11
101 / 1 剛性鋪面維護及補強技術手冊之建立 2015-03-11
101 / 1 線性混合效果模式在剛性鋪面道路試驗資料之初步分析 2015-03-11
100 / 1 機場剛性鋪面分類指數法之重新評估 2015-03-11
099 / 1 線性混合效果模式在柔性鋪面道路試驗資料之初步分析 2023-12-01
098 / 1 剛性鋪面維護事例輯建立之研究 2015-03-13
098 / 1 剛性鋪面維護及補強技術手冊建立之研究 2015-03-13
108 / 1 EcoPave: Development of an Innovative Load Bearing Permeable Concrete Pavement Design Program #03.良好健康和福祉 #06.潔淨水與衛生 #07.可負擔的潔淨能源 #09.產業創新與基礎設施 #11.永續城市與社區 #13.氣候行動 2020-04-10
084 / 1 接縫式混凝土鋪面之角隅應力分析 2014-05-28
082 / 1 Forecasting pavement rehabilitation needs for Illinois interstate highway system 2010-06-16
082 / 1 Loading and curling stress models for conference pavement design 2010-06-16
089 / 1 Parameter study of load transfer and curling effects on rigid pavement deflections 2010-06-16
085 / 1 Modified portland cement association stress analysis and thickness design procedures 2011-08-15
087 / 1 Reevaluation of the FAA thickness design procedures for rigid airfield pavements 2010-06-16
082 / 1 Mechanistic design models of loading and curling in concrete pavements 2010-06-16
086 / 1 剛性鋪面回算程式之建立--溫式基礎模式 2010-06-16
082 / 1 New modeling techniques forpavement predictions 2014-06-25
086 / 2 Modified deflection ratio procedures for backcalculation of concrete pavements 2010-06-16
085 / 1 Corner loading and curling stress analysis of concrete pavements 2010-06-16
085 / 2 Simplified stress analysis procedures for jointed concrete pavements 2010-06-16
085 / 2 Zero-maintenance considerations for concrete pvaement design 2010-06-16
087 / 2 Development of a new thickness design program for rigid airfield pavements 2010-06-16
086 / 1 Development of new stress analysis and thickness design procedures for jointed concrete pavements 2010-06-16
083 / 2 Theoretical investigation of corner stress in concrete pavements using dimensional analysis 2010-06-16
085 / 1 建立新的接縫式混凝土鋪面應力分析與厚度設計方法 2014-05-28
086 / 1 接縫式混凝土鋪面回算程式之建立 2014-06-03
082 / 2 鋪面網路養護管理系統與美國ILLINET程式之應用 2014-03-19
085 / 2 公路工程電腦實作 2010-06-16
084 / 1 由面層撓度值回算鋪面彈性模數的初步研究 2010-06-16
096 / 1 Development of Transverse Cracking Prediction Models for Jointed Concrete Pavements Using LTPP Database 2011-10-23
093 / 2 Study of Rigid Pavement Deflections Using 3-D Finite Element Analysis 2011-10-23
092 / 1 軌道力學參數分析與驗證之研究 2011-10-23
093 / 1 鋪面路網數據庫架構芻議 2011-10-23
093 / 2 軌道挫屈之有限元素分析模型的建立 2014-09-04
094 / 1 版式軌道最佳化三維有限元素模型之建立 2014-09-04
095 / 1 Application of Modern Regression Techniques and Artificial Neural Networks on Pavement Prediction Modeling. 2011-10-23
093 / 1 氣候因子對機場剛性鋪面厚度設計之影響 2011-10-23
098 / 2 Preliminary Analysis of AASHO Road Test Flexible Pavement Data Using Linear Mix Effects Models 2015-03-11
094 / 1 焊接長軌挫屈行為之參數分析 2013-06-11
099 / 1 Preliminary Analysis of Flexible Pavement Serviceability Index Data Using Linear Mixed Effects Models 2015-03-11
094 / 1 綜合性指標在軌道養護管理系統之應用 2013-07-15
092 / 2 Parameter Studies on Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Rigid. 2011-10-23
084 / 1 由面層撓度值回算鋪面彈性模數之初步研究 2011-10-23
094 / 1 運用因次分析的方法分析版式軌道之應力 2013-07-15
092 / 1 剛性鋪面評估與維修智慧型諮詢系統雛形之建立 2011-10-23
095 / 1 Development of Fatigue Cracking Performance Prediction Models for Flexible Pavements Using LTPP Database 2011-10-23
093 / 1 當代迴歸技術與類神經網路在柔性鋪面分析之應用 2011-10-23
085 / 1 二層鋪面彈性模數回算的新方法 2014-05-28
085 / 1 混凝土鋪面版之角隅荷重與翹曲應力分析 2014-07-28
085 / 1 接縫式混凝土鋪面之角隅應力分析 2014-07-28
092 / 1 剛性鋪面三維有限元素參數分析與驗證 2014-03-19
088 / 2 無因次應力預估模式在機場剛性鋪面厚度設計之應用 2014-06-03
096 / 1 接縫式混凝土鋪面高差預測模式之建立:以LTPP資料庫為例 2014-06-03
090 / 1 剛性鋪面評估與維修智慧型諮詢系統之研究:評估系統雛型之建立 2014-06-03
086 / 1 剛性鋪面回算程式之建立:溫氏基礎模式 2014-06-03
088 / 1 機場剛性鋪面厚度設計程式之建立 2014-06-03
102 / 2 Applications of Artificial Neural Networks to Pavement Prediction Modeling: A Case Study 2015-03-11
096 / 1 商用地理資訊系統在鋪面管理上之應用 2014-06-24
103 / 1 Applications and Challenges of an Innovative Load-Bearing Permeable Pavement Developed in Taiwan 2015-02-03
102 / 1 Development of Simplified Pavement Classification Number Approach for Reporting Rigid Airfield Pavement Bearing Strength 2015-03-11
101 / 2 Reanalysis of AASHO Road Test Rigid Pavement Data Using Modern Regression Techniques 2015-03-11
101 / 2 Development of Prediction Models for Joint Faulting Using Long-Term Pavement Performance Database 2015-03-11
101 / 1 A Prototype Pavement Dynamic Segmentation Database Structure and Network Rehabilitation Optimization System in Taiwan 2015-03-11