080 / 2 |
Non-integrable phases and symmetry breaking by Wilson Lines
2011-10-23 |
092 / 2 |
Quasi-exact Solvability of the Equations Dirac
2011-10-23 |
078 / 1 |
Dynamical symmetry breaking on compactified spacetimes
2011-10-23 |
081 / 1 |
Braid group and operator algebra in Chern-simons
2011-10-23 |
082 / 2 |
Braid group and operator algebra in Chern-Simons theory on a torus
2011-10-23 |
093 / 2 |
Stabilizing Quantum Metastable States in a Time-dependent Potential
2011-10-23 |
080 / 2 |
Anyons, non-integrable phases, and braid group on a torus
2011-10-23 |
081 / 1 |
Anyons on a trous
2011-10-23 |
078 / 1 |
Symmetry breaking by Wilson lines
2011-10-23 |
088 / 2 |
Planar dirac electron in the coulomb and magnetic fields
2011-10-23 |
094 / 1 |
Quasi-exact Solvability of the Dirac Equation
2011-10-23 |