091 / 1 |
A survey of distance education challenges and technologies
2016-12-15 |
093 / 1 |
Using Ontology as Scaffolding for Authoring Teaching Materials
2010-06-16 |
090 / 1 |
Universal Access for Roaming User via Mobile Agent Technology
2017-05-04 |
091 / 1 |
An Agent-Based Multi-Issue Negotiation System in E-Commerce
2010-06-16 |
086 / 2 |
An operational semantic approach to continuation style interpreter of logic programs
2016-12-22 |
086 / 2 |
On computing temporal/spatial relations
2017-03-08 |
086 / 2 |
Multimedia abstract machine
2017-03-01 |
090 / 1 |
Mobile agent evolution computing
2017-02-23 |
086 / 2 |
Participator dependent multimedia presentation
2017-03-09 |
086 / 2 |
Tool integration in a knowledge abstraction environment
2017-05-04 |
095 / 1 |
An Adaptive Memoryless Protocol for RFID Tag Collision Arbitration
2015-06-16 |
090 / 1 |
An Integrated Analysis Strategy and Mobile Agent Framework for Recommendation System in EC over Internet
2016-12-22 |
089 / 2 |
Shape-based Image Retrieval Using Spatio-temporal Relation Computations
2017-03-23 |
088 / 1 |
Using VCR to Support Different Styles and Types of Group Collaborations in Virtual Universities
2017-05-08 |
092 / 2 |
A Lossy Compression Tolerant Data Hiding Method Based on JPEG and VQ
2016-11-28 |
094 / 2 |
Facilitating Metadata Creation-the MINE Metadata Wizard for IEEE LOM
2017-01-11 |
093 / 2 |
Super-resolution inpainting
2017-03-29 |
089 / 2 |
An Infrastructure for Developing Agents for Distance Education on the Internet
2010-06-16 |
089 / 2 |
Strategic assessment: Using influence diagrams to design distance learning courseware
2015-04-07 |
095 / 2 |
3D Human Kinematical Motion Retrieval System
2016-11-09 |
085 / 2 |
Object-oriented software testing and metric in Z specification
2017-01-13 |
095 / 2 |
Using AJAX to Build an Online Assessment Management System Based on QTI and Web 2.0
2011-10-05 |
096 / 1 |
A Collaborative Virtual World Application to the Hyper-Interaction Platform
2016-11-14 |
089 / 1 |
An intelligent content-based image retrieval system based on color, shape, and spatial relations
2014-06-24 |
094 / 1 |
Courseware development using influence diagram supporting e-learning specification
2017-01-03 |
096 / 2 |
Multilayer Inpainting on Digitalized Artworks
2011-10-05 |
084 / 1 |
Object-oriented software development techniques : combining testing and metrics
2014-01-01 |
084 / 2 |
On the construction of intelligent multimedia presentations
2013-12-27 |
087 / 1 |
Properties of temporal constraint network for supporting distributed multimedia applications
2011-10-05 |
095 / 2 |
Tag-Splitting: Adaptive Collision Arbitration Protocols for RFID Tag Identification
2014-07-16 |
096 / 2 |
Technology Supports for Distributed and Collaborative Learning over the Internet
2013-12-02 |
081 / 1 |
Verification of systolic architecture designs
2017-05-08 |
080 / 1 |
Verification of systolic architecture designs. Additiional info : systolic approach
2011-10-05 |
096 / 2 |
A Smart Pre-Warning, Guide, Alarm, Recovery and Detection (GUARD) Network System for the Blind
2016-12-14 |
093 / 2 |
Design and Implementation of a SCORM-Based Courseware System Using Influence Diagram
2010-06-16 |
096 / 1 |
An Adaptive Caching Strategy for m-Learning Based on SCORM Sequencing and Navigation
2011-06-01 |
093 / 1 |
A VR-based shared web system for distance education
2014-01-19 |
096 / 1 |
A Cross Domain Framework for SCORM Based on Web Service Architecture
2018-03-26 |
095 / 2 |
Using AJAX to build an on-line Assessment Management System Based on QTI and Web 2.0
2014-07-15 |
082 / 1 |
The use of fixed point induction in verifying systolic array designs : An applicative approach
2024-04-12 |
083 / 1 |
Object-oriented software development techniques : combining testing and metrics
2014-09-22 |
096 / 1 |
Integrating SPC Table Formative Assessment with SCORM
2017-01-13 |
089 / 2 |
An Iistructure for developing agents for distance education on the internet
2011-10-24 |
093 / 1 |
Merging Web Brower and Interactive Video – A HyperVideo System for e-Learning and e-Entertainment
2017-02-22 |
098 / 2 |
Service-Oriented Authoring System to Achieve Interoperability among E-Learning Environment
2015-05-12 |
099 / 1 |
Immersive Learning Environment with Integrated Interactive Video and Ubiquitous Technologies
2015-06-15 |
097 / 1 |
An Intelligent Travel Book Management System
2013-11-18 |
097 / 1 |
Providing Data Items with Time Constraints in Multi-Channel Broadcasting Environments
2013-10-08 |
089 / 1 |
EVCS-A complete electronic virtual conference system
2013-06-07 |
090 / 1 |
An integrated framework for recommendation system in e-commerce
2024-04-15 |
085 / 2 |
Formal specification of a graph-based object-oriented software testing
2017-01-11 |
090 / 1 |
A Cost-Effective Method for Early Fraud Detection in Online Auctions
2014-06-05 |
085 / 2 |
On automatic generation of multimedia presentations
2014-06-09 |
085 / 2 |
Formal model of temporal properties underlying multimedia presentations
2014-09-22 |
102 / 1 |
Panoramic Human Structure Maintenance based on Invariant Features of Video Frames
2015-04-14 |
085 / 2 |
IMMPS: a multimedia presentation design system
2015-06-16 |
092 / 1 |
A New Courseware Diagram for Quantitative Measurement of Distance Learning Courses
2016-05-02 |
096 / 2 |
A Strategic Decomposition for Adaptive Image Transmission
2013-09-27 |
086 / 1 |
Supporting the reuse of multimedia presentations
2017-03-29 |
090 / 1 |
An integrated framework for recommendation systems in e-commerce
2010-06-16 |
086 / 1 |
Case studies in intelligent multimedia presentation design systems in terms of the standard reference model: the IMMPS project, the PreGen system, and the StrMP system
2010-06-16 |
086 / 1 |
Using Z to specify object-oriented software complexity measures
2010-06-16 |
090 / 1 |
A well-evaluated cohesion metrics for software quality
2010-06-16 |
090 / 2 |
Maintaining persistent look-and-feel for roaming user with mobile agent in distributed environment
2010-06-16 |
089 / 1 |
The Distributed Multimedia Presentation System Based on Extended Timed Petri Nets
2010-06-16 |
089 / 1 |
Assessing Software Quality Through Visualised Cohesion Metrics
2016-12-23 |
088 / 1 |
Strengthen and Support the Maintenance of Object-Oriented Software
2017-03-29 |
087 / 1 |
Temporal Properties Underlying Multimedia Presentations with Z Notations
2010-06-16 |
090 / 2 |
A Distributed Mobile Agent Framework for Maintaining Persistent Distance Education
2014-06-26 |
089 / 1 |
An Efficient Approach to Holding a Virtual Conference
2010-06-16 |
085 / 1 |
A quantitative analysis for different testing criteria through program decomposition
2016-12-12 |
089 / 1 |
An electronic mobile notebook on the WWW
2016-12-21 |
089 / 1 |
Macro University: A Framework for a Federation of Virtual Universities
2017-02-15 |
088 / 2 |
A Qualitative Approach to Content-Based Color Image Retrieval with Chinese Captions
2010-06-16 |
084 / 1 |
The measurement of software complexity through program decomposition
2014-01-01 |
091 / 2 |
Video presentation recording and on-line broadcasting
2017-05-08 |
083 / 2 |
On the construction of a prolog-based verifier for systolic array designs
2017-03-08 |
089 / 1 |
Supporting Well-Engineered Web Documentation Development - a Multimedia Software Engineering Approach toward Virtual University Courseware Designs
2017-03-29 |
083 / 1 |
Spec: A Specification Processing Environment with Controls
2010-06-16 |
086 / 2 |
Using a Revised Data Flow Diagrammatic Technique to Design Dynamic Multimedia Presentations
2010-06-16 |
090 / 2 |
Web learning assessment and adaptive tutoring
2010-06-16 |
095 / 2 |
Word sense disambiguation and the semantic internet search
2014-01-17 |
088 / 2 |
The complexity measurement of software through program decomposition
2010-06-16 |
087 / 1 |
A multimedia documentation environment supports well-engineered software development and maintenance
2010-06-16 |
093 / 1 |
A Smart Courseware System for Distance Education
2014-03-21 |
083 / 1 |
A Temporal Arithmetic Based Reasoning System for Systolic Array Designs
2010-06-16 |
087 / 1 |
A VDM approach to continuation-based semantics of prolog
2010-06-16 |
096 / 2 |
A New WSD approach using word ontology and concept distribution
2013-12-02 |
087 / 1 |
A Control and Data Abstraction Approach for Multimedia Presentation
2014-01-01 |
086 / 1 |
A Z Specification Approach to Multimedia Modeling
2010-06-16 |
087 / 1 |
An Object-Oriented Design Complexity Metric Based on Inheritance Relationships
2014-01-07 |
087 / 1 |
An Object-Oriented Specification and Verification System for Systolic Array Designs
2010-06-16 |
083 / 1 |
An operational semantics approach to disciplined exceptions in logic programming
2010-06-16 |
093 / 1 |
Context-aware privacy and security agents for distance education
2016-12-30 |
085 / 2 |
Integration Object-Oriented Software Testing and Metrics
2014-01-07 |
092 / 1 |
Guessing by neighbors: an efficient reconstruction method for transmitting image progressively
2017-01-13 |
083 / 1 |
Formal specification and verification in Z for syncchronous concurrent compution
2017-01-11 |
088 / 1 |
Formal Specification in Software Reuse Designs: an Object-Oriented Database Example
2010-06-16 |
082 / 1 |
Formalizing the design of systolic array designs
2017-01-11 |